
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Event Details


Time: April 15, 2011 to April 16, 2011
Location: The Building Centre
Street: Store Street
City/Town: London WC1E 7BT
Website or Map:
Event Type: conference
Organized By: Bob Sheil & Ruairi Glynn
Latest Activity: Mar 16, 2011

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Event Description

FABRICATE is an International Peer Reviewed Conference with supporting publication and exhibition to be held at The Building Centre in London from 15-16 April 2011. Discussing the progressive integration of digital design with manufacturing processes, and its impact on design and making in the 21st century, FABRICATE will bring together pioneers in design and making within architecture, construction, engineering, manufacturing, materials technology and computation. Discussion on key themes will include: how digital fabrication technologies are enabling new creative and construction opportunities, the difficult gap that exists between digital modeling and its realization, material performance and manipulation, off-site and on-site construction, interdisciplinary education, economic and sustainable contexts.

Note: Actual sign-up is on their site starting in Jan 2011. Meanwhile you can submit work to present until Sept 20.

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Comment by Ruairi Glynn on February 27, 2011 at 3:41pm

Hi Les

I'm Ruairi Glynn co-chair of fabricate. To answer your question YES. Philip Beesley  one of our keynotes is working with bio-artist Rachel Armstrong and Chemist Martin Hanczyc for example. Neri Oxman also a keynote is certainly working accross some of the disciplines you mention. Our other Keynotes are Mark Burry and Matthias Kohler. We've put up a full list of speakers now and I'm pleased to say there's a balance between practitioners and academics. There are architects, engineers, programmers, artists and material scientists all featuring. I know tickets are selling pretty quickly so please do register as soon as you can.

Comment by Les Taylor on October 3, 2010 at 12:26pm
With regards to the "key themes" being presented at the conference, -is the theme of "interdisciplinary education" meant to explore through discussions what that landscape looks like and has the potential in becoming? and how diverse is the various disciplines e.g., material scientist, biologist, molecular chemist, artist, ecologist, engineer, designer, economist, etc., are anticipated to attend and discuss this evolutionary process occuring in education?
Comment by Jaime Sanchez-Alvarez on August 30, 2010 at 1:06am
I hope I can make it. I work at MERO, a firm with 70 decades specialization in design, fabrication and assembly of complex three-dimensional tubular structures. The topic of the conference will certainly present fresh ideas for the (sometines no-)relationship between design and fabrication.

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