
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

FABRIC<action> Digital Knitting

Event Details

FABRIC<action> Digital Knitting

Time: September 28, 2015 to October 1, 2015
Location: Poland, Lodz, Lodz University of Technology
Street: Politechniki 6a
City/Town: Lodz
Website or Map:…
Event Type: workshops
Organized By: Sebastian Białkowski
Latest Activity: Aug 13, 2015

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Event Description

What we gonna do?
Taking inspiration from the Łódź lavish textile legacy, participants will be experimenting with the most up-to-date design techniques as well as with the 3D printing technology using it as the modern weaving machine to produce beautiful and unique architectural elements. We will be using available modern technology in the most unconventional way, fuelling its power with advanced algorithms developed by participants during workshops. But no worries! You don't need to know any programming.
Everything you need is the positive attitude for the unknown and your great creativity. Everything else you will get at the Workshops!

For whom the bell tolls?
We are aiming our workshops at people who had never experienced the power of computational and generative design or who already have some basics but are still eager to improve their skills and satisfy their knowledge hunger. Our workshop is open to everybody, without age limit: students, designers, architects and anyone interested in generative design techniques.

OK, but why?
If you haven't get the picture yet, no problem, here we go! 
The main purpose of the Workshop is to get people acquainted with modern design possibilities such as genrative, parametric or computational techniques - whatever you want to call them. What's more we want to show you how cool and useful the digital fabrication can be - in our case the 3D printing technology.

How it works?
We have divided the Workshop in two parts: 
During the first one, we will show our participants and get them acquainted with the software and its logic through various tutorials and examples.
The second one is going to be an experimental one, oriented at creative implementation of the knowledge obtained during the first part as well as at making igenious use of the 3D printer.

What are the tools?
In every normal workshop one keeps his tools. And so do we! At ours we are going to use Rhinoceros software with its priceless plug-in Grasshopper to create 3-dimensional structures with the use of so-called "node based programming" (that's Grasshopper), so that eventually we could print everything in 3D using our marvellous 3D MakerBot Replicator 2x printer!

How much does it cost?
We have two options:
Student 250 PLN
Regular 500 PLN

Payments due date is 09.09.2015

You can register right here:

Please keep in mind that the number of places is limited. The faster the better ;)

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