algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Time: July 4, 2015 to July 12, 2015
Location: Europe, Bulgaria
Street: Krakra 11 Str
City/Town: Sofia
Website or Map:…
Phone: +359 899 05 16 08
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: DesignMorphine
Latest Activity: May 23, 2015
DYNAMIC MUTATIONS is an international workshop of Advanced Design. The workshop will run using AutoDesk MAYA, Rhino3D, Grasshopper, other software and digital design tools. The workshop offers new design methods helping participants both in concept and practice. Active discussions on the contemporary issues of architecture and design will be held in order to provide participants with an opportunity to share their views and create their own project.
The workshop is going to be used as a platform utilising multi-layered techniques and production processes which can control intelligent geometries, calibration of parts and behavioral taxonomies, normalizing an innovative field of predictability. Exploring material intelligence, formal logic efficiencies and precision assemblies.
In the DYNAMIC MUTATIONS workshop we will emerge into Maya’s polygon modeling, pattern makingand animationtools, adaptive skin and kinetic structures, covering all the required basis and getting a taste of its more advanced features. We are going to simulate material properties and dynamic forces with Maya physics engine. Moreover, the design logic and generative processes, as well as the potential of parametric thinking as a resourceful tool for achieving diversity and complexity in generation and fabrication. Kinesis and morphosis will be the two keys of the workshop. The participants’ end result must present both characteristics of these aspects.
The goal is creating a project that each participant can proudly include in his portfolio using the state of the art programs and techniques.
For attending the workshop there is no previous software experience required.
- Introduction in Mayapolygons and NURBS modeling
- Simulation of material properties and dynamic forces with Maya physics engine
- Animation tools and Maya skeleton system to control complex morphologies
- Visualization and rendering techniques
- Maya MEL script for creating customized tools and interface
- Introduction in Rhino 3D
- Parametric surface articulation with Grasshopper
- Strategies for 3D printing
- Lecture on project presentation
PavlinaVardoulaki / Greece & Bulgaria / AA School of Architecture, London
JiteshJidhav / India / AA School of Architecture,London
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