
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

computational design: parametric design & digital fabrication

Event Details

computational design: parametric design & digital fabrication

Time: April 30, 2014 to May 2, 2014
Location: School of Architecture University of Minho
Street: Campus de Azurém
City/Town: Guimarães, Portugal
Website or Map: http://www.arquitectura.uminh…
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: EAUM
Latest Activity: Apr 2, 2014

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Event Description



computational design: parametric design and digital fabrication

EAUM and IDEGUI, Guimarães, 23 April , 30 April to 2 May


In recent decades there has been an exponential increase in the use of digital technologies as architectural design tools. The workshop " Computer Aided Design: parametric design and digital fabrication " aims to do some introductory teaching in the use of some of these tools.

The workshop will focus on the use of computational models of parametric behavior for generating architectural forms. The generative capacity of these models it will be tested in the development of designs defined by repetitive non-standard components, based on the parametric control of its variations and series differentiations. This process will be developed by the use of a three-dimensional modeling software - Rhinoceros, associated with an application for visual programming - Grasshopper.

The last day of the workshop is dedicated to the use of digital manufacturing tools in architecture. Part of the work will take place at the facilities of the Institute of Design of Guimarães (IDEGUI) providing for the use of their laboratories and manufacturing CNC machines (computer numerically controlled).

At the end of the workshop, it is intended the students to understand that the use of digital technologies in architecture can overcome representational functions, and their integration in the design conception, analysis and construction enriches the methodology of project development.


Terms & Participants

The workshop will take place at the School of Architecture of the University of Minho (Campus Azurém, Guimarães) and the Institute of Design of Guimarães (Couros, Guimarães).

The workshop is pointed at students who attend the 3rd year and 4th year from MiArq, EAUM.

The maximum acceptance is 20 students and a minimum of 10 students.

Deadline for entries is April 11 and must be performed by


Program summary :

Day 23 April 14 -20h

Introduction to 3D modeling in Rhinoceros. Regular geometries, ruled surfaces and NURBS surfaces.

Day 30 April 14 -20h

Parametric design in architecture. Introduction to methods of visual programming.

May 1, 9 -13h 14 -18h

Development of a design idea by the use visual programming processes in Grasshopper.

May 2, 9 -13h 14 -18h

Introduction to methods of digital fabrication. Manufacture physical models of the proposals made.

It is expected that this meeting will take place in the IDEGUI labs.



Bruno Figueiredo ( Lecturer, EAUM )

Paulo Sousa ( PhD candidate , EAUM )

Nuno Cruz ( Invited Lecturer , EAUM )

Cláudia Alvares ( 5th year MiArq student , EAUM )

Javier Bono ( 4th year MiArq student, EAUM )

João Amaro ( 5th year MiArq student, EAUM )

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