
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Firefly's Friends

  • Andrei Hakhovich
  • CHA
  • Nicolaus Wright
  • Wojciech Hydzik
  • tommy
  • mohammad shaiqueuddin
  • Charles Aweida
  • Sam Ng
  • ligong
  • nirulfen
  • Jason Kelly Johnson
  • Vittorio Menna
  • Mohammed E
  • Alpha222
  • Rodrigo Medina

Firefly for Grasshopper

Connect Rhino / Grasshopper to Arduino, the Internet and Beyond

The Firefly toolbar, Firmata, Primer, examples files and more can now be downloaded at:

What is Firefly?
Firefly is a set of comprehensive software tools dedicated to bridging the gap between Grasshopper (a free plug-in for Rhino), the Arduino micro-controller, the internet and beyond. It allows near real-time data flow between the digital and physical worlds, and will read/write data to/from internet feeds, remote sensors and more. It also includes a Pachube reader.

Firefly's Blog

New Firefly Website, Tools (1.003), Examples, and Primer

Firefly bridges the gap between GH, the Arduino, Pachube, the internet and beyond.

Jason K. Johnson and I are very excited to unveil the new home for all things Firefly! Come find out the latest features, tutorials, photos, videos and much more at We are encouraged by the growing community of Firefly users and this website will be the destination for those individuals looking to bridge the gap between… Continue

Posted on August 29, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 7:07am on October 17, 2010, Luca Biselli said…
Hi Jason,

Many thanks for your reply.

At 9:11pm on October 13, 2010, Firefly said…
Hi Luca,
Yes - Firefly is compatible with the new UNO board. The only difference is when you upload the Firely Firmata to the board. Within the Arduino software you must select the Arduino UNO board (launch the Arduino 0020 application and open the Firefly Firmata sketch: File > Sketchbook > “Firefly_DUEM_Firmata_1003.pde”. Then select Tools > Boards and make sure you have selected the UNO board). Let us know if you have any other questions.

FYI - We are working to update in the Primer and the information here: We should have everything ready in the next few weeks.

Best, Jason K Johnson
At 3:36pm on October 13, 2010, Luca Biselli said…
Hi Andy.
Is current Firefly compatible with the new Arduino UNO? I have been to the recent workshop in London and we were introduced to the new board.
Thank you

At 3:57pm on September 11, 2010, Andy Payne said…
Hi Megan. The image you uploaded is a little too small for me to see exactly what's going on. What version are you using when you say 'current version'? Is it some GH version of 0.7 or higher? Also, are there any older versions of the Firefly tools set already installed on your computer? If so, remove any older Firefly.gha files and make sure you're using the latest build (Firefly_1.003.gha). You can download the latest build at
At 12:38pm on September 11, 2010, Meghan Trainor said…
I'm trying to install firefly into the current stable version of Grasshopper but I'm getting the following breakpoint. Any ideas on what's causing this?

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CCA, Harvard GSD, Future Cities Lab, LIFT Architects
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