
Hummingbird is a set of Grasshopper components that facilitate the creation of Revit native geometry. This process exports basic geometric properties and parameter data to CSV text files which is used to describe many aspects of the Revit BIM geometry. In Revit this data is easily imported using the Whitefeet Modelbuilder tool (included).

Translating Rhino primative geometry to Revit has been vastly simplified without the need for linking or reference objects. This allows for the downstream Revit model to be modified and adapted for the project duration.


Hummingbird Update!!! Units, CSV files, Installer


  • Units!, Whitefeet ModelBuilder tool now includes the ability to specify metric or other custom units upon import.
  • No more Excel! Read and write using simple CSV text files.
  • Installer now easily installs both rhino and revit components from a single exe.

(Whitefeet ModelBuilder only works with Revit 2014)

Available from the food4rhino website:

  • up


    Hey Tim, 

    thanks for the update, i will give it a trial.

    • up


      Just installed and try out. It works like a charm. Im new to hummingbird and Revit but enough experienced in Gh. My colleagues are very impressed now. Thank you for this wonderful tool.

      Btw. Im on revit 2016