Finches: Local Code

The Finches components allow for easy import, export, batch processing, and (coming soon) importing GIS data into Rhino and Grasshopper. Download here:

Finches Import SHP File Component

We have been debugging the finches Import SHP Component. Now the components can also import dbf files with non-ASCII characters.

Let me know if there are any other bugs. This helps us debug the components.

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    Don't know if I'm getting an error because of the file type or because of its size, but have been having problems with this shape fileĀ

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      Gui Talarico

      Would this work for multipatch?


      I have a shp file with 3d-buildings, and I don't have access to arcgis. I have been struggling to find a way to bring it into GH.

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        Adi K

        Great help! thanks :)