menu order and separators layout


what method can I use to organize custom component in the menu, icon order and separators ?


  • up

    David Rutten

    Hi raf,

    When you construct your component, you need to specify a Category and Subcategory. The Category becomes the Tab and the SubCategory the Panel. Furthermore you can override the Exposure property of your component and return something other than GH_Exposure.primary. Every exposure ends up in a different panel section. However within a section the order is alphabetical and there's nothing you can do about that.

    If you combine a GH_Exposure.primary, secondary etc. with the GH_Exposure.obscure flag then you indicate the component should only be available on the panel dropdown. However this value is ignored if the user has the 'Obscure Components' option enabled.

    Finally, if you want to not show your component on the toolbars at all, then use GH_Exposure.hidden.


    David Rutten

    Poprad, Slovakia
