Hot Keys not working

Hi im having issues with the hot keys deleting, coppying, and pasting, components from the grasshopper canvas. the worked before and they still work in Rhino and when i hit ctrl C it does it in Rhino and not grasshopper. also Rhino Crashes when ever i open up the preference menu. can any one help me thanks


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    Ryan Mehanna

    Came here to check if this is a common thing, seems it is or was, and still unresolved?

    The only work-around I had found in Rhino5 was to save / exit grasshopper then run the "GrasshopperUnloadPlugin" command in rhino, then re-launch grasshopper, this solved it every time, it used to happen roughly once evry couple days on average.

    Now in R6, it still happens and much more frequently like once every couple hours (all keyboard shortcuts go to rhino) and sadly there is no longer a GrasshopperUnloadPlugin command as GH is integrated

    Im having to shutdown / relaunch Rhino entirely, several times a day, and with files larger than 1GB this is very inconvenient, anyone solution? 

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        Same issue here and apparently no one came with a solution for this problem. :/
