How would I go about creating this rippling facade?

I've gotten close following a tutorial from youtube, but it's limiting because it only lets me use a graph as the ripples. are there other ways to include more ripples? Would appreciate any help (my version of the ripple facade and nodes are attached)

  • up

    Joseph Oster

    Do you really expect anyone to recreate your GH code from a screen shot?  See #3:

    3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files
    If you have a GH/GHX file you have a question about, attach it to the post. Don't expect that people will recreate a file based on a screen-shot because that's a lot of pointless work. It's also a good idea to remove everything non-essential from a GH file. You can use the 'Internalize Data' menu option to cut everything to the left of a parameter:

    • up

      Joseph Oster

      I added two more graphs, top and bottom points, and reset all the 'Graph Mappers' to the '0 to 1' domain, which allows overall width and height to be parametric, thanks to 'ReMap'.
