Slope Surface Managing

Hi to everybody,

the following surface would be a slab, so i need to manage the slope in order to have planar areas and parts with controlled incline. I've been thinking if it would be possible by operating on face normal vector's incline of the equivalent mesh.

In the following file .gh i calculate the angular dimension between face normal vertor's direction and vertical ("z") direction. Than i divide the domain in 4 ranges and for each range i assigne a specific value for the angular dimension, for example in the first range i assigned to faces with a slope included between 0.00° and 1.00° an angular value of 0.00° in order to achieve planar faces.

Now is it possible to extract a new domain of normal vectors and replace it with the previous in order to obtain a new mesh with changed slope (flat parts of the slab or parts with uniform slope )? Or any suggestions?

Thank you so much!!
