Ultra-wide monitor

Has anyone used this monitor with GH ?

Perhaps it could be a good alternative to dual screens...

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    Joseph Oster

    As I recall, $1.3K is about the same price as a 14" 1989 "Super VGA" (800 X 600) NEC monitor, back in the day.

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      Kim hauer

      I bought 2 of the first 14" Flat panel monitors IBM made for $1800.00 each, what a wise decision that was! LOL

      I ended up selling each for $100.00 on Craig's list.

      If you going to buy the LG, be prepared to drop another $3K on a video card that drives it.

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        Amir Soltani

        If you do decide to get one of the ultra wide screens, make sure to test for the amount of "backlight bleeding" when watching dark content/scenes. Some of them are prone to have this flaw. 
