parametric organic bench

how are you ? ^_^ hope you are all fine , please could you help me how to make parametric bench like that image ... thank you :-)

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    Joseph Oster

    Nice bench!

    The first question is: how to shape that surface?  Sectioning it is easy.

    There is clearly a human scale bench surface running along both sides, ~15" to ~18" off the ground (a parameter domain GH could play with), intersecting at the ends and in the spine(s) down the middle where the backrests meet.  There might be other parameters for pitch of the seat and angle of the backrest relative to it, which are connected for ergonomic reasons.

    The support curves below seat level are more arbitrary, eh?

    What have you got so far?  Anything in GH?  Or a Rhino model for a surface like that, maybe using Sweep with a few different station curves?  Then copy it, modify the rail curve(s) for the opposite side of the bench (and station curves to too, if you want).  Just ideas...

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      Joseph Oster

      It is the Grasshopper art of Oleg Soroko:


      His inspiration:

      and his GH code!

      and a different "Parametric bench" of his:
