Planar Quads Catenary

hey guys!

im dealing with a catenary roof. it should be paneled with planar quads.

i try to use kangaroo have as much planar panels as possible.

but i got stuck at 4...

i tried to generate the cateneary at first and have a second run for the planar panels.

but no success...

could you maybe helb me out?


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    Jens Pedersen

    try to allow the points to move freely in z, but then constrain them in x & y there is a component in Kangaroo that does this... 

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      bea franko

      it is possible, but not watertight;)

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        Marios Tsiliakos

        Hi Bea,

        Please refer to the attached. I have played around with some of Daniel's K2 examples a few weeks ago. I had an example with the K1 solver but I can't seem to find it. It's  a proof of concept of what Daniel is mentioning. You need to have your boundaries to follow the curvature of the catenary, otherwise this is not possible.

