Kangaroo: keeping particles in Lists

Hello !

I'm trying to make a network of catenary curves. 

I'm dividing my curves according to their lengh, i shatter the curves, give them unary forces, stiffness but when my geometry goes out of the kangaroo component i don't know how to rebuild them to have smooth curves and not small line segments ?

Or can i organize the particles going out to be in lists like that i can build nurbcuvres with them ?

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    Nenov Ivo

    Anyone ?? 

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      Andrew Heumann

      you can pass the points (structured in branches) into the geometry parameter of the kangaroo component - their structure should be preserved and they'll stay attached to the simulation particles. 

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        Nenov Ivo

        I re-opened the discussion i have another problem...

        I need to put two trees of geometry in kangaroo so i used entwine "graft" to not loose the order of my trees and i use split tree on the output of kangaroo, but when i used the mask it gives me a strange result ? 

        I don't understand because i think my split mask is with the good syntaxe ?

        So if anyone has an advise would be very kind, thanks.
