X,Y coordinate comparison

Man this is frustrating because I feel like its pretty simple but I'm stuck.

So basically what I've done thus far is create a script that makes a count of centroid coordinates between a domain. What I would now like to do is "combine" (only count once) the panels that are stacked vertically between the domain. (I've only got 3 surfaces selected to cut down on the confusion)The domain is the horizontal lines on the object to the ground plane. so Level 1 is 0-8'-7 3/4". Level 2 is 8'-7 3/4" - 15'-3 3/4". ect. 

The approach is that the panels that are stacked on top of each other have the same x,y coordinate so they can be separated and counted as 1 instance in the final count. 

I started trying to deconstruct the points and create sets of each x and y value but I've got no idea where to go from there. Any have any ideas?

Excel File being referenced looks like this:

Ground 0
1 8.6458
2 15.0625
3 22.375
4 28.5
5 35.333
6 42.2708