123,45 Loft examples

Well friends,

As everybody knows Loft can't "align"  a thing or two : i.e. adjust seams/directions (in most of cases) and hilarious results occur (in most of cases).

I mean this :

instead of that:

So I said to myself : post (again) something in the errors/bugs category. But then I said (also to myself) : why ? everybody knows that ... post something fun(?) in the examples that can(?) guide(??) people out of the rabbit hole.

And here we are : 4 test surfaces, 4 paneling methods, 2 profile "classes", 2 orientation options, 3 methods to skin a cat, 2 methods to find intact panels (in "any" surface - trimmed or not with or without holes), 2 presentation alternatives, 7 gates, 2 filters, 1 Branch controller(?), 1 secret component (related with sardines) = let me make the maths : about 123,45 Loft examples (a bit primitive to indicate the main issue). 

NOTE: GH quite frequently (a) fails to internalize data (b) internalizes them and reports the data as "null". Use Rhino file if this is your lucky day.

NOTE: Lunchbox is required

NOTE: Proper Named Views were defined ... but then components are moved ... blah blah: make your own.

best, Peter