Brian Washburn


San Francisco, CA

United States

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  • Diego Velázquez Camacho

    Wow the Topography file worked, in your script you mention rounding up the coordinates to next number, so this means we must consider rounding down when data is lower than "0.5" values? Really helpful.

    The SHP files I've already tried those and many more, I guess is as you mention, some shp files do not contain height data.

    Thank you very much for the help Brian!

  • KocoShrek

    Hi Brian - I'm interested in using Heron with Herman, but have not been able to find Herman? Is there another name or location for that



  • theanh tran

    Hi Brian, thank you for Heron component

    if i have a drawing project anywhere in rhino, how can i export the .shp file of that project and put it in Qgis or Arcgis which has the correct gis coordinates

    if i have a drawing project anywhere in rhino, how can i export the .shp file of that project (with the attribute ) and put it in Qgis or Arcgis which has the correct gis coordinates. I have included .gh I tried