Jon Mirtschin




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Geometry Gym
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Comment Wall:

  • Dirk Anderson

    Hi Jon, good to see someone writing a structural plug for GH. I had some luck with a connection between GC and Space Gass using the Bentley Structural interface but have since abandoned for GH. I suppose you know Dominic Holzter & Stephen Downing of Arup (Sydney) who have been developing a GC / Structural interface for the last 3 years?

    I'm currently getting into a GH + Ecotect interface using XML - would be great to get some tips on how you are developing the link.


  • Joyce Shun

    Hi Jon,

    In China, we can NOT connect these blog website: twitter, blogger, blogspot. WORDPRESS is available in China, so, I think, you can try to host the download of these examples and samples on it.


  • jayant khanuja

    HI, thanx for the add. I am trying to upload the license update but its not loading.Is it just for one time use?. Can u plz help me with it
  • norbert althoff

    Hello ,

    I have Rhino 4.0 SR8 and I download the STRUCTDRAWRHINO plug in.
    I also had the latest grasshopper version. When I started Rhino, a window said version incorpatible - This version of StructDrawRhino requires Rhino v5 or Grassahopper v0.70049+ to run.
    And the plug-in is not load .
    So whats the problem if I need Rhino v5 ?
    It will be very helpful if I get an answer here ;)
  • leslie leung

    ive been trying to install ssiStructDrawRhinoInstallv0.6.36 GH0.7.xxxx.msi for a couple of days now and i still havent got it working ..
    ive tryed to put into another foilder but i still get an error message

    An exception occured during GHA assembly loading:
    Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\SSI\sdrGH.gha
    Exception System.TypeLoadException:
    Message: Could not load type 'Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_AssemblyInfo' from assembly 'Grasshopper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

    can u give me some help plz thax
  • leslie leung

    Hi jon
    thax for the super fast reply, i got the issue fixed by uninstalling grasshopper and then update it to the lastest version. im a architecture student from University of Technology, Sydney doing final yr design subject and some of your demo's on the blog is awsome !

  • desiertho

    thanks to help me jon. now i prepare my upgrade. im to design a center botanic.on the desert. on university. almost work on sales surface steel paint. to building industrial.
    on a future i hope a buy this plugins.
    thank my friend.
  • Rémy Maurcot

    Merci de votre invitation, je suis désormais au bon endroit pour poser mes questions.

  • Rémy Maurcot

    Thank you for your invitation, I am now at the right place to ask my questions.

  • Dedackelzucht

    a privilege to get invited by you :-)
  • morphedian

    Jon, yes , thats me Benjamin.



  • Carson Smuts

    Thanks for the help dude, legend!
  • DaniRoblesB.

    Hi Jon Mirtschin,
    Look, i need some help. Yesterday I was downloading structural drawing rhino, and on the program appear the icons but I don’t know how can i validate it? , I need your help, so please answer to my mail, it is, ok I'll be awaiting your reply. Thank you so much. Bye.

    Daniel Robles B.
  • hazem

    thanks for the fast replay  jon :D:D
  • jean pierre paulet

    hello Jon. I wonder how can I activate the trial version of your plugin.



  • jean pierre paulet

    I managed to activate it, thanks!!
  • Roig

    Hi Jon,

    I've just activate the plugging. It looks great. I'll send you the University documentation to extend the license.

    I'm attending to every video on youtube I get. In one of them i've seen some components I can't find in the version I've installed. Those beggining with ssi.... are missing. They seem to  be very useful (add thickness for example)

    I'm in process of changing the gidelines of my thesis on structural analisys since i've discovered GH and its pluggings were yours may be key. Only a year wasted i hope it will be for good¡¡ I wish you can hel me about understanding GG.


    Thank you. Roig


  • Roig

    Hi jon, 

    I don't know if there is a better place for posting questions about GG.

    Until you tel me so, please help me with one issue:

    I´ve got this in GH:

    and what i'm trying to do is to set a certain profile to the vertical lines oriented along the normal vectors (or any set of vectors) at vertex of the main cilinder.


    I've got the lines, the normal vectors and sdr CP component defining the profile already, and the thing is that I can't find the way to use them, won't tell you about trying to orientate the profiles¡¡¡ I'm sure it's something about me, pure rookie;) 


    Thank you. Roig


    Thank you

  • Daniel Prohasky

    Hi Jon,


    I am an Architecture student at Monash and just recently finished a Bach in civ. Engineering (last Monday!!) :)


    I have been playing around with Grasshopper on and off for a bit over a year. However, I haven't had the privilege to try out geomgym and would love to expose its capabilities. I've got a couple of designs I have completed fairly recently that may present an opportunity to make the most of GG.


    At present I am messing about with a snub geometry solver. I originally solved the script manually with sliders (tedious), galapagos wasn't quite accurate enough so I created a 2 level loop using hoopsnake which boosted the accuracy to grasshopper's capabilities, however, this is time dependent.


    The current convergence method is parabolic, but Hoopsnake's ability to be paused mid-loop or even just manipulated during the loop presents the opportunity to manually change the step factor while the loop is running (but this obviously needs user input during the looping process).


    I'm thinking that it would be possible to define a more dramatic convergence curve that could increase the solving rate and hopefully generalise it, so the curve is not dependent on the starting values. I don't think I'll touch this for a couple of weeks, but I'm open to any suggestions...??


    The snub example will be on the Hoopsnake page shortly.


    Thank you

  • architectenes

    hiiii.gym licence

    Do you know who sent me?

    please :) 


  • Jonathan French

    Hi Jon,

    Thank you for sending the license information so promptly, I look forward to figuring out the plug-in!  Cheers!

  • Lara Behmoaram

     Hi Jon,


    I'm still enjoying using the GG tools very much, but i just ran into a problem which i could not understand why its happening.


    I am creating a customized voronoi network system, splitting the voronoi cells into different parcels based on site information.


    I am splitting a field of voronoi cells into different regions created by the sdrnetwork polygon;afterwards rebuilding the split groups with higher degree to get closed cells.


    However, as you will see in my script, the voronoi nerves which seem to be intersecting with the perimeter of the region come off as they werent touching the perimeter, resulting in unclosed cells.


    I would really really appreciate it if you could have a look what might be going wrong.



  • stefano vafiadis

    Hello Jon, I received yesterday night your reply: thanks for the license and for the friendship too, I'll send you my student credentials when the end of the trial period will be near.

    Cheers, Stefano//

  • Herwig Scherabon

    Hi Jon, thanks for the friendship and sending the license so quick!

    Just one question: am I able to transfer the xml to my other computer, or do I have to send a new license request?

    I stupidly sent my request from my macbook and actually need to use GG on my tower ;)

  • Diego Xavier

    Hi Jon!

    Thank you for the Geom Gym activation. I´ll be participating in a workshop that maybe will use your software!



  • djordje

    Jon I took a look at your article about Rhino/Grasshopper to Vasari import.

    Is there any other way to eliminate the Revit in the process of importing?

  • djordje


    I knew we can count on you, you Australian genius !!!

  • Guido Nieri

    Hi Jon,

    I am a student and I am interested in your plug-in. I would like to use that on my thesis, are there any student version?

    Thank you

  • Chansoo Byeon

    Hello Jon

    Thanks for the add! 

    Could you give me some tips of where I should start? I really want to master Grasshopper.

  • John Stanford

    Hi Jon, thanks for adding, i'm pretty interested about your work and i've been looking around your site some time ago.

    i've been using grasshopper only for quiet sometime now, so im still trying to figure out the basic stuff, but i think it would provide such a great help in doing my architectural studies combined with BIM software at hand

    has there been any new update about grasshopper and archicad connection?


  • trung1133


    i am not able to learn anything from the example files as some things turn red!!! then back to orange if i remove the NAME (N) i.e. nameless component

    please help

  • Mehdi Hasanzadeh Samadi

    is there any plug-in for revit 2013 32-bit too ? i just see the 64-bit version !!

  • Gabriel Áh

    hey Jon, 

     Im trying to use geo gym, but this legend pops out:

    where can i get the free evaluation code and then extend it to the educational version

    by the way thanks for sharing, and congrats for the hard work



  • shahryar

    Dear Jon,

    I am trying to import one gbXML file which was exported by Revit .I have  loaded it in Ecotect to apply material. Now, I am planning to import in Rhino to analysis in grasshopper. I have downloaded geometrygym plugin but it does not work in Rhino and just appears in grasshopper. Would you please guide and help me by offering any information how I can to import gbXML files to Rhino.

    Yours sincerely,

  • Sebastien de Wit

    Dear Jon,

    I have some serious troubles getting the surface properly meshed with equal lengths, prior to the form finding part. Perhaps Kangaroo itself is able to do this? Hope you can help because meshing odd surfaces instead of rectangular shapes is not often shown on the forum.

    Yours sincerely,


  • Omid Karami

    Hi jon

    I downloaded your Geometry gym Plug-in, unfortunately it does not work because its license expire. How should I do? And I have one more question: How does gtt Plug-in work?

    My email address is:

    Yours Sincerely


  • Scabinus

    Dear Jon,
    I find your ggmeshtobrep command in rhino very usefull, why you did not develop it for
  • foodove

    Dear Jon,

    after repairing ggRhino5Karamba1.3.0 v0.1.10, it shows "1. Solution exception: Unlicensed!!! To activate full functionality please request a trial license by running command ggKarambaZZLicenseRequest
    Run Rhino command ggKarambaZZLicenseRequest or contact Jon!", I ran Rhino command ggKarambaZZLicenseRequest but it doesn't work. Could you please help me to solve it? it is a little bit urgent bc I'm doing my Thesis project with it...many thanks!



  • foodove

    sry~and my email is, ty~