Benjamin Golder


Cambridge, MA

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Jacek Jaskólski

  • Justin Syren

    nice valt dude
  • Chris Wilkins

    I did some exploration into urban geometries in general, and presented some lightweight concepts at the Cloud event, but I didn't actually dig into the GIS data. I was just using CAD files from the city engineering dept. I'd like to revisit some urban analysis issues in the future, as that sort of chaotic data set is very interesting to me.
  • Chris Wilkins

    I am curious where you get the GIS data from.

    I see you're in Berkeley. Had some friends that went there. Ate big pizza slices at that place on Telegraph, back in 92ish. I used to live down in San Luis Obispo. Really loved it there.
  • kessler

    Benjamin Golder -- My wife and I would like to purchase a copy of one of the pieces you have mounted in the lobby at Wurster, your Wet Network map of San Francisco. Would that be possible? I am on-campus every Friday and could pick it up there. Your ideas and work are fascinating. Have you seen the Mannahatta Project? The ideas and GIS there might interest you. Dup of this is on your blog. Jack Kessler,
  • David Reeves

    Thanks! Glad you like them.
    I feel collectively they might be a display of my undiagnosed ADD though.
  • André

    Ok thanks a lot.
  • Chris Wilkins

    Okay, I'm dropping you a line now. (a year later)


    I'm just starting out a semester-long project involving geospatial data in general, but specifically using GH's computation to work with GIS and GPS. When we last spoke I had just been dabbling, but I've got serious interest in this now. I've not reviewed your work yet, but from a cursory glance, I think you might be doing some things I was looking at trying (importing shapefile data for one). I'm also interested in Google Earth's KML file format - have you played with that at all?


    I'll go look at Finches and see what you're up to.




  • Chris Wilkins

    You said "In order to make a grasshopper component that reads shapefiles, I either have to convert all the shapefile reading code to C# or find a way to embed ironpython in a grasshopper component." Is this code something you can share? If so, I'd be interested in coverting it to VB and of course sharing that with everyone. Unless there is a technical reason that VB won't work.