

Jiang Su


Comment Wall:

  • Wudi

    Are you from Jiang Su? I saw your imformation with Jiang Su AND Australia. I'm a little bit confused.
    Thanks for your msg. I am happy that you like the Chinese GH Primer. That takes me a lot time.
    Can you type Chinese so that we can talk more conviniently. My English isn't very good.

    BTW what is "ur wall"?
  • John Harvey

    Hey thanks for the comment, I did model everything in Rhino. I also did every CAD drawing in Rhino as well. I dont feel like it took too long to do. Most of the time spent was doing revision after revision of design. I dont think I used grasshopper for that particular projects except for the simple stair script I used.
  • John Harvey

    Unfortunately it was only a 5th year thesis project for my architecture school. They are actually building an NC Dance studio but not the one that I designed :( I sure wish they did. I thought it looked pretty nice.