


The discussions here are preserved for reference, but new questions posted here are likely to go unanswered.

Kangaroo is a Live Physics engine for interactive simulation, optimization and form-finding directly within Grasshopper.

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  • Agnes Tan

    Thanks for the invitation.
  • Jordan So

    thanks for the invite
  • Tudor Cosmatu

    Thanks for the invitation :)
  • tensional calculous

  • Fernando Rial

    Thanks for the invitation!!
  • ZHANG Yan - popabczhang

    thanks for your invitation!
    it's a amazing plugin
  • Ivan Kiryakov

    Thank you for the new release !!

    It´s amazing!

  • Tudor Cosmatu

    Really cool release! Thanks
  • hamia Aghaiemeybodi

    Thanks for your release . . .
  • Dicky Ferd

    Amazing release Dan... Thx alot... cheers
  • dvdrbls

    Hi Daniel, i just installed newest release of grasshopper and Kangaroo dissapear, if i want to mod a definition do i have to downgrade to 8.003?


  • Mårten Nettelbladt

    David, you'll have to downgrade to v 0.8.0004 (2010-12-11). Daniel is working on it, see here http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/kangaroo/forum/topics/trouble-wi...
  • dvdrbls

    thx for the info


  • cmt

    thanks for your invitation! is there any place i could find any tutorials to start with? thanks!
  • Wiktor Kidziak

    does anyone managed to get kangaroo working with the latest Rhino 5? (23March release)
  • Daniel Piker

    Hi Wiktor - It should be running on the latest Rhino5 WIP.

    Have you made sure the file is unblocked ?

    Can you provide more details - does grasshopper start normally or do you get error messages

  • Wiktor Kidziak

    this is what I get when I open file with kangaroo

    I installed it by placing it into components folder. What do you mean by unblocking the file?

  • Daniel Piker

    To unblock, right click the .gha file in windows explorer, and go to properties and make sure it is not blocked
  • Wiktor Kidziak

    Thank you David, yes unblocked the file and it works back again :)


  • Daniel Piker

    You're welcome.


  • Kristoffer Negendahl

    After updating to GH 0.8.0009 all Kangaroo functions are gone. Kangaroo Physics 0.051 on Food4GH doesn't seem to work. Am I doing it wrong or should I be patient and wait for a kangaroo update. All components are unblocked. And btw. I have two kangeroo gha-files in my component-folder "kangaroo-physics-0-0-5.gha" and "KangPhys0044.gha" do I need both?
  • Daniel Piker

    Hi Kristoffer,  

    Kangaroo 0.051 is working with GH 0.8.0009, but you should only have one kangaroo gha installed. This includes in your grasshopper components directory,

    (C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components)

    and the special components folder


    and any other custom search paths you may have set via the GrasshopperDeveloperSettings command

  • Kristoffer Negendahl

    Hi Daniel

    Everything works in R4, but not in R5. Is this a known issue?

    Just another thing. Do you prefer to put special plugins in (C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components) or under ...AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries). Does it matter where the custum .gha files are located?

  • Daniel Piker

    I would now recommend keeping plugins in the AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries directory.

    Placing the plugin directly in the Grasshopper\Components directory was just how it had to be done with much earlier versions of grasshopper.

    The current Kangaroo is working with Rhino5 as far as I can tell.

    (at least with the 31 March WIP, I haven't tried with the new one from 5 days ago yet)


  • Kristoffer Negendahl

    OK. Thanks. I'll have some gha-sorting to do.
  • Dsquare

    i have grasshopper 0.8.0001 version and rhino sr8..i had tried to install kangaroo 0-0-5.gha by placing it in (AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries directory) and also in (C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components).Still its not working please help me out....

  • Philipp

    can anybody adwice the smartest way to simulate rigid bodyes in gha. I need several bodyes to interact, being nearby attracting each other but without intersection
  • dvdrbls

    hi kangaroo doesnt work on gh 0.8.0051 i mean latest release of kangaroo do i have to retrieve to the 0.6 version?
  • Mårten Nettelbladt

    I noticed the same thing, but kept the 0.065 and reinstalled GH 0050.
  • Philipp

    What is the optimal way to simulate several rigid bodyies interaction. Maybe there is a way not to use springs just for absolutely rigid bodyes? i just need them not to collide
  • Philipp

    even meshes
  • Jack Hu

    I also want to know how to make geometies not to intersect with each other.
  • Nay Soe

    is there any example scripts on self organization structure out there?
  • Georgi Petrov

    Going back to older version of Kangaroo.  I need to revisit a project that I was working on earlier in the year.  It was done using Kangaroo (version 0.044). I still have the old KangPhys0044.gha file, but I can't remember or find information on where I was supposed to put it in order for Grasshopper to load it.  Can you remind me?

    thank you

  • megan sadler

    Hi all

    I am using mesh relaxation for a model where diffeernt areas, of the mesh are more relaxed than other areas. I have decided the best way is to use cable ties and vary the stiffness of these which would then make have an effect on the mesh. Only problem is I cant seem to change the stiffness anymore (the cables to be larger than 5000 and the mesh lower than 400) without it exploding.. any ideas please?

  • wang

    Hi all


    There is a curved surface,I want to made it  subdivision into equilateral triangle mesh, how should I do? I have tried to pull a Partitioned mesh to the surface ,but when the Kangaroo works ,it is not what I want !

    Anyone can help me ?

  • Lara Behmoaram


    I am trying to create a catenary canopy over 4-5 voronoi cells in one go but it seems like it is not possible. Does anyone have any advice on this?

  • Martin Dembski

    Hi Lara,

    I've took your question to this discussion.



  • Iain Blampied


    Does anyone know if it would be possible to model something similar to this video using wind in Kangaroo,  any advice would be really helpful. Thanks 


  • Jonathan Munoz

    I am new to Kangaroo actually just started playing with it today and got some hang of it but I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to do what is done in this video http://vimeo.com/11702813  I tried to see some of the grasshopper script behind but its too small. This is for an installation of a sheet that will move in respons to motion through sensors and some arduino boards.

  • Arthur Lara

    Hi  Jonathan,

    I've one script for a installation for ussing some sheets with bend curves in kangaroo, interfaces with arduino, firefly and sensors...was made in a AA workorkshop and i'll see if still working...OK?

  • Jonathan Munoz

    Thank you very much I appreciate the help!

  • Arthur Lara


    The script does not work with the new grasshopper! This tencil  structure (http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/saopaulopavilion) was made by a team and Cynthia (Cynthia Nojimoto <cynnoji@gmail.com>) was my student, came to build the design in 1:1 scale. One AA teacher helped her with the Bend curve and used Kangarro. I simplified the script, if you need to see my project  umbrella(http://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/umbrella-porject?xg_sourc...) made to study the script. Contact her that will have updated information. My email: artagent@yahoo.com

  • Jonathan Munoz

    Okay thank you for trying, I will email her and maybe she can help me out as well. Thanks

  • Jose C Garcia

    Hi I have been trying to fill up a box with objects from Rhino. This objects, because of gravity should touch each other. I am interested in the space those create. I want the object to behave as a box filled up with rocks. Attached is the Rhino fill that contains the objects and the box. I will really appreciate any help.objects_Box.3dm

  • Jim

    hi daniel,

    i have a problem of this example file.there's always has sth wrong with the component of spring.I will really appreciate any help.BallCluster_Sequence.ghx

  • first1

  • Arslanov Timur

    Hello. How can I do to Kangaroo reset every time you change the input? That is so that the input parameter "SimulationReset" changed to "true" and whitelist back to "false". And so every time you change the input data. Automatic reset is needed to create an optimization algorithm with the Galapagos.

  • Scott Penman

    Arslanov - you can use a timer component in combination with Firefly to do this. Firefly has a component called "data log" which records incoming data. Record the input values and compare the newest one to the previous one - use the output of that (true/false) to determine the state of the Kangaroo engine. You'll also have to attach your timer component to the input values that you're changing. See attached file...SimulationLooping.gh

  • Adam Laskowitz

    Hello Kangaroo people. I have a question regarding how a certain component works.

    I was trying to create a definition which took a network of points, and reduced the amount of points based on "redundant" values (within a certain tolerance).  I found the "duplicate points" component in Kangaroo which seems to do what I want to do.

    I was just wondering though, What exactly does this component do? Mathematically, if anyone knows? Thank you!

    I need to be precise in how I am doing these calculations, so I would like to know just how it is working.