
Hummingbird is a set of Grasshopper components that facilitate the creation of Revit native geometry. This process exports basic geometric properties and parameter data to CSV text files which is used to describe many aspects of the Revit BIM geometry. In Revit this data is easily imported using the Whitefeet Modelbuilder tool (included).

Translating Rhino primative geometry to Revit has been vastly simplified without the need for linking or reference objects. This allows for the downstream Revit model to be modified and adapted for the project duration.


Failed to initialize the add-in "WF Model Builder"

Hi Guys,

Thanks a lot for the plugin, I get the following error message on Revit: Failez to initialize the add-in "Wf Model Builder" because the assembly "C:\ProgramData\Wh...\WfRevitModelBuilder.dll" does not exist.

I tried to place the dll file in a folder called "C:\ProgramData\WhiteFeet" but it didn't work. Which folder should it go to?

Many thanks,


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    Matthew Owens

    I think I ran into this problem once...


    A couple of things you might want to try:


    the .addin file should point to the network path of the .dll assembly.  You can place the .dll file wherever you want, but the .addin file needs to point to it.  you can edit the file with wordpad / notepad...


    The collection of libraries and grasshopper components comes packaged in a .zip file.  Before you unzip the file, you need to 'allow' the contents.  I'm sorry, i am using an OS in German, and I can't tell you the exact English equivalent of 'zulassen.'  Anyways, this can be accessed by right-clicking the .zip file, going to the properties.  The button should be in the lower-right hand corner of the dialogue under the 'General' tab.


    So, either the addin file is pointing to a location that doesn't exist (you can change the location, or move the file to the location it is pointing to,) or you have not 'allowed' the contents of the .zip package.


    Hope that helps, and good luck.

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      Matthew Owens

      There are a couple of things you could try...


      First, you need to 'allow' the .zip file contents before unzipping.  Sorry, I am on a German work-station, and I don't know the English equivalent of zulassen.  Anyways, you can access it through the .zip file properties- it will be on the lower right-hand corner of the dialoge.  Click this before unzipping.


      Second, you need to make sure that your .addin file is pointing to the correct location.  My add-in files are located here:


      C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2011

      C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2012

      C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2013


      Anwendungsdaten = ApplicationData


      You can edit the file with notepad or another text editor.  Check the assembly location and make sure the .dll file is in directory the addin file is pointing to.



      Look for the Assembly line, sometimes there are more than one assemblies!

      <Assembly>C:\Programme\Autodesk\REX\Revit 2011\AREXRevitMngr.dll</Assembly>


      Obviously, you are not looking for the revit extensions .dll, but this is where the file is pointing to.


      Hope that helps, and good luck!

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        Mario Guttman

        This message is almost certainly due to a mismatch betwen the path in the add-in file and the location of the .dll file.  It doesn't matter where you put the .dll as long as the value in the .addin file matches.  If it still isn't working make screen shots of the .addin file and the properties of the .dll file so we can compare them.