
A new tool for grasshopper named Mantis which allows to interact with Mathematica directly, the first 3 tools are for generative Cellular Automata "CA"

mPower.m for Qhull 3dconvex&voronoi tools

Dear all,

This is the *.m free file package which developed by xCellerator group- thanks to them- but with some simple modification in its code "according to the path of qhull,..etc" - for who is intersted in Qhull download this file and put it in a C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\8.0\AddOns\Packages\mPower\mPower.m

download qhull latest version 2011.1 from

then Make a folder in C:\Qhull\ "copy the entire bin folder (*.exe files) and past them in src folder


  • up

    Ayuna Mitupova

    Hello!   looks like a very interesting and usefull tool! But unfortunately in my directory of  Matheatica 10.02   i cannot find     the next path c:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\7.0\AddOns\Packages\mPower\mPower.m        and  put the mPower folder. any suggestions?  

    • up

      Ayuna Mitupova

      Never mind.I fixed  IT)

       But actually I have a question concerning  some example files _  they seem not  to work  with convex hull actually. Mantis v0.4 Mathematica_Qhull 

       I am actually interested in constructing 3D Cellular Automaton probabilistic type based on hexagon network ,  as well as possibility to construct automaton with rules based on  neighbors from 2 depth,   would   you  give   ay suggestions on that ?

      Kind regard, Ayuna!