There are 2Main tools of Mantis v0.3:
1-Mantis_Cellular Automata
*5 Components for generating cellular automata 1d & 2d & 1d Totalistic 3colors + Find the nearest rule in Elementary CA for a list as shown in the image pattern example,and There are 1 component for generate & preview the 1dCA rules.
A) Mantis_Mathematica Equation which enable writing equations as Mathematica technique and get the result as a string
and for using this tool, don't write any equations which has an image result.
B) Mantis_Fractal tree which generate a self similarity branches which can be used as a line-length as a numeric order (for example as fibonacci)(iF you saw an error click on don,t show me this massege again"don,t worry)
C) Mantis_Nearest Value which gives the list of elements(strings or numbers) to which a value is nearest
D) Mantis_Shortest Tour, attempts to find an ordering of points that minimizes the total distance on a tour that visits all of these points once
E) 2 Components for creating 3d Polyhedra objects + Unfolding these objects into planar surfaces.
you can find it in the download section
I would like to express my great thanks to my friends [UTO] Ursula Frickand Thomas Grabner who helped me through discussions and encouraged me in scripting with C#.
Luis F Odiaga
Hi, is there a way to manipulate Mantis_shortest tour, to be able to choose the start point and a kind of "tentative direction"?... THNX in advance...
Aug 17, 2011
that's a great job you have done . i'm interesting in using it ,but when i open your exsample files it seems there is something wrong happened,i don't know .can you help me .
Sep 8, 2011
Parametric House
Wow what a great tool :) This will help me with my thesis especially the polyhedra part wow great thanksss
Sep 9, 2011