In this Grasshopper Tutorial, we will model something similar to the Canton Tower. First, we will define 3 ellipses and then rotate them to make the tower's sections. After lofting the sections we can use the Lunchbox plugin to make the structure and by using the Dispatch we will extract two different groups of the structure.
Parametric House
184 members
The major challenge for Parametric modeling is that expressing design intentions with parameters and explicit functions requires a different way of thinking than most designers are accustomed to. Learning to think parametrically is a hard-won skill, not acquired with ease. Although learning to design parametrically can be difficult, the logical precision can also be enjoyable for designers who like how parametric modeling forces them to explicitly state every geometric relationship.
At Parametric House we are developing a complete Learn & Design System called the “Grasshopper Course“. In this course, we are offering Designers and Architects a complete series of tutorials and Digital Fabrication techniques which will take their design skills to a whole new level!
Canton Tower
by Parametric House
Feb 23, 2019