
Hummingbird is a set of Grasshopper components that facilitate the creation of Revit native geometry. This process exports basic geometric properties and parameter data to CSV text files which is used to describe many aspects of the Revit BIM geometry. In Revit this data is easily imported using the Whitefeet Modelbuilder tool (included).

Translating Rhino primative geometry to Revit has been vastly simplified without the need for linking or reference objects. This allows for the downstream Revit model to be modified and adapted for the project duration.


Units in Rhino vs Revit Through Hummingbird

Hi guys,

Just arrived  into Hummingbird, I'm exporting from rhino trhough GH a series of 3points adaptive components structured into a tree structure.

Everything seams to work fine but, the units are not right. The model in Rhino is in metres, when It arrives in Revit, The units seams to be random. (for instace a panel that is 3m in Rhino becomes 916mm in Revit). I'm not sure how to control the scale during the transfert. I've also used the option Use Factor (To internal FT) but nothing seams to work properly.

I will much appreciate any help.

Thank you in advance

