
Hummingbird is a set of Grasshopper components that facilitate the creation of Revit native geometry. This process exports basic geometric properties and parameter data to CSV text files which is used to describe many aspects of the Revit BIM geometry. In Revit this data is easily imported using the Whitefeet Modelbuilder tool (included).

Translating Rhino primative geometry to Revit has been vastly simplified without the need for linking or reference objects. This allows for the downstream Revit model to be modified and adapted for the project duration.


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  • Tim Meador

    Hi Matthew, I just tried recompiling with 0.9.0006 and found no issues.  If you notice any problems please let us know.

  • fernando molas garcia


    I have the same problem as Armando. The data is not written to excel ...

  • Mario Guttman


    1. Be sure to start Excel and open the same file before running Rhino-Grasshopper. 

    2. Are you using Excel 2010? 

    3. Try opening Excel as administrator.

  • fernando molas garcia

    to log as "administrator" and open the file before GH tells me that the file is already in use ...

    If, uses Excel 2010

    any ideas?

  • fernando molas garcia

    I was better with Rhino 5 Works great!

    How could these geometriar to send revit walls?

  • Rex T

    still having problem with install of gh components, kept having error when loading two of the components in gh, already tried the updated gh plugin component and .dll
    anything wrong i might be missing? thx!

  • Mario Guttman

    I don't exactly understand your problem.  If you are upgrading be sure that you completey remove the old versions from you computer.  Then run this:

    When the old version is completely gone then load the new ones.  If you still get an error please take some screen shots and give us some more description of what is happening.

  • Johan Rooijackers

    Hi, just joined the group. So here's a basic question, is there a guide on how to install WF ModelBuilder?

    Tried renaming .dll path in the .addin file, but don't work...

    A little help is much apreachiated.

  • Tim Meador

    Hi Johan,

    Yes in the downloads folder there is a docx file named Hummingbird.docx.  This document explains the installation steps.  thanks,


  • Johan Rooijackers

    Thank you.

    Got a bit further. As described in the docx the Hummingbird components in the example file are red.

    The error message is something like:

    Microfost.Interupt.Excel......PublicKeyToken or dependencies missing.....

    Can't give a screen shot, becoause Rhino crashes instantly.

    What could be wrong?

  • Johan Rooijackers

    Does the Exel version have any influence? Running MS Office 2007...

  • Mario Guttman

    It probably does.  Build is based on Office 2010.

  • first1

    I use this pulgin to do some interesting ! Ha ha ~!

  • Jonah Hawk

    Hello all,

    We have a specific situation that is likely unique among others' issues below. We run Rhino in an Application Virtualization Client; AppV for short. I could explain why we do this to anyone who is interested. But for now, I will just say that we would like to keep it this way.

    All of my Hummingbird components are grey, with no errors. When I toggle the update input to true, Excel flashes in the taskbar but no data is written; similar to others below. I have unlocked and given all permissions to all files and I have admin rights on my workstation.

    Nathan Miller's component set, LunchBox, has an Excel interop component that writes to an open sheet in Excel, in the same way. It works with our AppV flavor of Rhino/GH without fail.

    I'm wondering how your two components vary and if there may be an optional way to hook into Excel that Nathan Miller is using.



  • Mario Guttman

    first1:  Excellent!

  • Jonah Hawk

    Where can we find the example files referenced in the help doc?

  • Armando Montejano

    Hello all

    I finally did it, I couldn't find which is the problem communicating Rhino 4 with Excel 2010. My solution is install Rhino 5 Beta.

    Starting tests now.

    P.S. Johan, I am interest in know why you are using an Virtualization app

  • Armando Montejano

    Cool tip,

    thanks Jonah

  • Jonah Hawk

    EDIT: Rhino 5 works.

    I would still like the sample files if possible.

    @Armando: Rhino License Manager does not work on our network. It uses NetBIOS which we don't use anymore. So we manage licenses via Virtualization. We can also control who has rhino and we can update the package so that everyone gets GH and VRay for Rhino updates across five offices. It is a better way for us to manage deployment.

  • Tim Meador


    The sample files link is found in the email you received.  There are two links, one for the install files and a second for the samples.  You could also just send me the file you're working on and i can take a look.


  • Tim Meador

  • Johan Rooijackers

    Not able to make it work either Rhino 4 or 5.

    in R5 components cannot load whitefeet modelbuilder utility.

    Can their please be made an installer for both Hummingbird and whitefeet components and add-inns? Simply following the intructions does not work.

  • Jonah Hawk

    Thank you very much Tim... Helps if I read.

    I'm still completely in the experimental phase. I hope to have better questions/input soon.

    Everything is working in Rhino 5.

    Johan, the WhiteFeet modelbuilder utility is for Revit, not Rhino. That may be your only issue.

  • Johan Rooijackers

    Why would GH give the errormessage then?

  • Mario Guttman

    Johan, Sorry about the confusion.  ModelBuilder is a Revit add-in that can work with other applications besides Rhino-Grasshopper.  The "Hummingbird" effort was focused on the Grasshopper components.  We included the ModelBuilder tool with it for completeness.  Sometimes our terminology gets confusing.  Be sure to look at the process diagram on the Hummingbird site:

  • Billie Allen

    Hi Tim,


    We just downloaded the hummingbird application.  We are try to run some test with the example files given.  When I hit the "button" to publish floors to excel from grasshopper, the parameter becomes red, and rhino crashes.  Any suggestions?

  • Mario Guttman

    If you have had problems linking to Excel try the new versions that I just uploaded to the download site.  This should fix a problem where a US version of Excel was in use on a non-US Windows computer.

  • Tyler Selby

    Any suggestions on where to find a good tutorial on using Hummingbird?

  • Manuel Sotomayor Millan

    hi. Thanks you Mario and Tim. Really nice job

    I cannot update the geometry in Revit as Hummingbird components do not type the ElementId column in Excell an thus the Revit importer always add new geometry instead of updating.

    Any solution to that???

  • Mario Guttman

    Manuel. The element ID values are entered by the ModelBuilder tool in Revit when the elements are built. Not all lines in Excel will have an ID value, only the ones that have an 'Add" command. Unfortuanately the ModelBuilder cannot really update them (due to Revit API limitations) but what it can do is delete the element as it creates a new one.
    Does this answer your question? If not, please provide a littel more detail on what you are trying to do and what you are seeing.

  • Manuel Sotomayor Millan

    thats right. But once the element Ids are exported from Revit by the ModelBuilder, if I modify the geometry on Rhino and update it to the excel again the elementids get erased, thus the modelbuilder does not identify them back and erase nothing from the revit file

  • Manuel Sotomayor Millan

    Just duplicates everything.

    Might be an isue because of the file units??

    I have both Revit and Rhino set to meters but somehow Revit makes mm from the data that gets from Rhino when imports and again translate meter to milimeters when imports back to Excel. Resulting from that enormous numbers

    Might be this the root of the previous problem

  • Manuel Sotomayor Millan

    Is there any hummingbird setting that translates everything to imperial system units.

    I have everything in meters but the Revit converts from excel enormous values with a conversion factor obviously related to feet and inches

  • Mario Guttman

    Everything in ModelBuilder is done in decimal feet so you will have to make the conversions in the Grasshopper script.

    Now that you remind me I had forgotten that the ModelBuild "modes" have not been implemented in the Hummingbird components.  That's on the to-do list for us.  You could do it manully by saving the values in Excel.  Also note that in Model builder you can use an offset so your various versions will be arrayed and not on top of each other. 

  • Manuel Sotomayor Millan

    I see.

    Anyway very nice plugin, enormous potential when this things are fixed.

    Thank you for your help

  • Tyler Selby

    I am really enjoying the hummingbird tools and am curious to see what else might be possible by changing some do the API commands I see in Excel.
    Is there a list of possible API phrases possible through the use of the whitefeet tools?
  • Matthew Owens

    Hello all,


    I have recently downloaded and re-installed of the libraries, components, etc.  Everything works except when I try bringing it into Revit.


    I am having issues with building floors and lines.  I haven't tried any of the other family components yet.  Here are the problems I am encountering.


    1.  Units- apparently everything is decimal feet, and on the to-do list?

    2.  Data formatting in excel:


    This seems to be very inconsistent, and I don't quite understand how this works.  If I have an arc-like curve, it reads it as a nurbs curve, even thought it is an arc-curve.  Are all curves recognized as interpolated / nurbs curves?


    Then, I have issues with the data formatting in excel.  Basically, I have 8 profile curves, but 16-17 lines of data for these curves.


    The curves I am attempting to bring in are not complex (a rectangle with filleted corners) but the model-builder in Revit either hangs on the first floor, or fails to create the extrusions at all.  I was able to bring a single floor (rectangle only) in, but that was it.


    Anyone experiencing similar issues / have a fix?

  • Mario Guttman

    Re comment by Tyler Selby:  the Excel syntax is documented in the documentation .pdf file provided with the Revit ModelBuilder 2013.  (Be sure to get latest version posted today.) It’s a little cryptic but this has always been seen as a prototype so I’d be interested to hear your ideas.

    You might also be interested to see how the RevitModelBuilderUtility.dll can be used to write to the Excel file.  For example, you could write an interface to a program other than Rhino or write your own Grasshopper plug-in.  There is no documentation on this but, if you are interested, I could post a sample program that has all of the function call syntax and sample code.

  • Mario Guttman

    Re comment by Matthew Owens:  We are considering doing something about units but it is a fairly low priority.  It seems to me that it is pretty simple to just convert them in Rhino before you write them out.  If I try to do that for you it may just make things more confusing.

    You shouldn’t really have to work in Excel unless you want to.  If the Hummingbird Grasshopper plug-ins are used the Excel syntax should be correct.  (I’d like to see an example if there is a problem with this.)

    There may be some problems with the ModelBuilder hanging if the curves being provided (to a floor, for example) are not closed.  Also, a loop cannot consist of a single curve (so break circles into two arcs, for example.) There may also be some odd behavior around the use of nurbs vs hermite splines.  One way of approaching these problems is to copy the tab in Excel and delete everything except a single item so you can see where the problem is.  If you have an item that is failing post it and I’ll see if I can figure out what is happening.

  • Darren Chang

    Hi, just started using Hummingbird on some tower project. I was trying to convert a series of closed curves from Rhino to Revit. Each close curve is formed by eight arcs, four on the corners and four on the edges, like below

    After I Import from Excel to Elements, instead of getting four arcs on the edge, I got the reverse of the arcs, while the corner arcs look fine, like below:

    Does anybody know what the problem is? Thanks in advance.


  • Tim Meador

    Hi Darren,

    Thanks for the post, Please check that you are running the latest version of Hummingbird.  This was a bug that was fixed in the latest version

  • Darren Chang

    Tim, my office just installed Rhino5 last week. I tried the new version, and it worked! Thanks!

  • Darren Chang

    Hey, it seems the default unit in Hummingbird/WF Model Builder is FEET. Is there a way I can convert it to METER or MILLIMETTER?

  • Tim Meador

    Hi Darren,

    Unfortunately the Revit api is based on feet so we are stuck doing everything in imperial units.

  • first1

    Hey Darren Chang ,all the model data divide by 304.8 ,it can convert FEET to MILLIMETTER.

  • Darren Chang

    I'm trying to convert a curve from Rhino to REVIT using the Lines Component. It gave me an error message like below in REVIT. Does a curve must be in a horizontal plane in order to be converted using Hummingbird? I also tried to convert the subdividing points of the curve as Ref Points, but the error message first told me it must be in a Family Editor, and then told me it can't be converted in the given context, while I was in Family Editor. This is also very confusing.

  • Advait

    hi, I am unable to download hummingbird from link given above can anyone provide me the software?

  • Carrey

    How should i change the default unit feet to meter or millimetter?

  • Darren Chang

    Hi, after I updated, the Hummingbird components in my GH have the following error: 1. Solution exception:Could not load type 'WhiteFeet.HummingbirdUtility.CsvWriter' from assembly 'WhiteFeet.HummingbirdUtility, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null".

    My GH is up-to-date version 9.00056. All the components are unblocked. My previous version of Hummingbird worked just fine.

    Does anyone know what I did wrong?

  • Rasmus Holst


    Are you guys gonna make an installer for Revit 2015 anytime soon? :)

    Thanks Rasmus