
Hummingbird is a set of Grasshopper components that facilitate the creation of Revit native geometry. This process exports basic geometric properties and parameter data to CSV text files which is used to describe many aspects of the Revit BIM geometry. In Revit this data is easily imported using the Whitefeet Modelbuilder tool (included).

Translating Rhino primative geometry to Revit has been vastly simplified without the need for linking or reference objects. This allows for the downstream Revit model to be modified and adapted for the project duration.


  • first1


    Tim Meador, I install the plugin in accordance with the method of document, but why it didn't work? Please give me your hand,THX.

  • Sharif Rahimian

    Hi Tim;

    I have the same problem, no data collected in Excel File from GH. I am using Excel 2010.



  • Sharif Rahimian


    Well, after trying different things, finally I found out that Unblocking really didn’t unblock the file, unless you change the permission on  security tab for each file to full access for the user. Here what You need to do for all downloaded files including example files:

    1. Close Rhino and Grasshopper
    2. Right click on each file and select Property
    3. Before unblocking the file, go to the security tab and select the Users Group from top portion
    4. check the permissions for this group at bottom portion, if the permission is read only, then click on edit button and change the permission to full control
    5. Go to general tab and click on Unblock button, then press OK.
    6. Run rhino and grasshopper and open the example file and you should not have any error.


  • first1

    Hi Sharif,

    I found that components can be worked in rhino 4 , but when i  path excel files,there is no data collected in Excel File from GH.Do you know why?

  • Sharif Rahimian

    Hi First1;

    It works for me both on Rhino 4 and Rhino 5.0 WIP. Did you follow my last comment? Make sure that excel file also has write permission for the user.



  • first1

    Thanks Sharif, Thanks Tim. It worked .

  • Tim Meador

    I just posted a small update that fixes the Reference Point component.  Download the file from here:

  • Armando Montejano


    Have the same problem,  no data collected in Excel, re download everything, check permissions, all are set to full control, and unlock each file. Nothing. Any other idea?

    Windows 7

    Rhino 4 SR9

  • Mario Guttman

    Armondo: Can you be a little more specific.  Is the Grasshopper component working? Are you getting a messgage from the "out" connection? Mario

  • first1

    GIF 1

    GIF 2

  • Armando Montejano


    Everything seems to work good, except for the data in Excel, all the files have "full control" permits, and are unblocked, actually when I connect the path, if I have open the excel file, it blinks in the task bar, so there are some recognition of activity between GH and Excel but no data.

  • Tim Meador

    Armando, is the excel file open prior to recalculating the grasshopper component?  if the excel file is not open it will flash in excel for a second and then close.

  • Tim Meador

    first1, Nice examples! thanks for posting.

  • Armando Montejano

    Hi Tim, same result if the excel file is open prior to define the path, or opened after, the only difference is the behavior of the Windows task bar, in the first case, when the xlsx file is opened before establish the path, the open xlsx file blinks on the task bar. In the second case, defining the path without have the excel file opened, the windows task bar appears and then hides again.

    Another test I tried is run Rhino under Administrator mode, in this case something interesting happens, when the xlsx file is opened before establish the path, after define the path, an excel window pups up saying that the file is all ready open, with the option to open it in Read Mode, but in any case same result, no Data in the excel file.

    Thanks in advance

  • Armando Montejano

    By the way, nice example first1

  • Mario Guttman

    Armando, Check in the Task Manager that there are no phantom sessions of Excel running.  Per Tim's comment, start Excel with the Excel file open before running Rhino-GH.  By the way, are you looking at the right tab in Excel?

  • Armando Montejano

    Hello Mario,

    No phantom session in the Task Manager, and I do not see any right tab in Excel.

    The only thing that I'm thinking could be interrupting the process is that I use to work my spreadsheets with libreoffice a version of openoffice. I installed Microsoft Office 2010 in order to work with Hummingbird plug in, maybe something is interfering but I'm not sure.

  • Tim Meador

    Armando, try running excel as administrator as well.

  • Mario Guttman

    By "right tab" I just meant that I couldn't read the tab name in your screen shot.  If a random tab is current in Excel when the program runs I don't think Excel will change tabs. Be sure to look at the tab named by the Rhino-GH program to see if there is any data there.

  • Mario Guttman

    Armondo, One other thing to try:


  • Mario Guttman

    I have uploaded new versions of "WfRevitModelBuilder.dll" (R2012) and "WhiteFeet.RevitModelBuilder.dll" (R2013).  These fix a problem where it wasn't finding all of the adaptive components to display in the defaults list box.

  • Armando Montejano

    Mario and Tim, Run Excel and Rhino as Administrator, nothing (well the same thing blinking, etc). In the Excel file no new tabs are generated, just the default 3 sheets. And at last GrasshopperUnloadPlugin, Same result. My only hope is install the WhiteFeet complete, from Mario's webpage, because It was manually placed as say in documentation.


  • Jacob Gay

    Hi guys, I tried to get this running at work earlier today and it seems it doesn't work with Excel 2007 (component threw this error). I'm now at home testing it out with a trial version of Excel 2010 and it seems to be working ok.

    What doesn't seem to be working is the floor creation routine with anything besides polyline curves. I've tried it with a circular curve (circle) and a closed planar curve (polylines with an arc) with the same failing result in the 'out' of the floor component - "Unknown Rhino PolyCurve curve type: ArcCurve". I also tried it with a periodic planar curve (3point nurb curve) but the points going into excel look clearly incorrect. Am I doing something wrong?

    Exciting stuff Tim & Mario, thanks for making it public.

  • Mario Guttman

    Jacob.  Not surprising about Excel.  We might switch to a text file.  One of the reasons for using Excel is that it is a good place to study how the program works by manually manipulating the data.  For example, in the examples you mention, the circle and the closed curve, Revit can't represent these.  You can explore this by trying to draw them in Revit.  What you probably need to do is split the closed shapes into two curves, for example two arcs for the circle.  In the case of the improper output can you send me a simple example that illustrates the points in Rhino-GH and the output and I'll do some debugging to see if there is somethign wrong with the component.

  • Jacob Gay

    Mario, I see what you're saying about circle objects and closed splines and how Revit cannot create those. However, i'm more interested in arcs which should be easier to deal with.

    I can send along files later on today if its helpful, but what i'm describing you can see in this screenshot. If I create a similar shape (3 polyline segments and one arc) in the Revit environment and export it using ModelBuilder it makes 3 draw:line rows and one draw:arc. In Rhino/GH however, the Hummingbird floor component doesn't seem to be able to process the arc segment.

  • Mario Guttman

    Definitely a bug on the RH-GH side.  Let me work on it.  thanks for the clear explanation.  (I'm assuming this output worked in Revit; it just substituted a line for the arc; is that right?)

  • Mario Guttman

    Just posted updated versions of "WfRevitModelBuilder.dll" (R2012) and "WhiteFeet.RevitModelBuilder.dll" (R2013). These enable modes to control the deletion of existing Revit elements when new ones are created.

  • Mario Guttman

    Updated files "WfRevitModelBuilder" (Revit 2012), "WhiteFeet.RevitModelBuilder (Revit 2013), "WhiteFeet.RevitModelBuilderUtility" (Rhino-GH-Hummingbird) today. Various small fixes.

  • CongChien

    Hello all

    I want to convert units from (1 mm) Rhino = (1 mm) Revit how to do?
    Example: As shown, the (1 mm) Rhino = (609.6mm) Revit
    Thanks very much for your help

  • Mario Guttman

    CongChien: Everything in Revit is represented internally in decimal feet. We do not make any conversions in the core Hummingbird tools. You need to make the conversions yourself, either in Grasshopper or in Excel.

  • CongChien

    Thanks  Mario

  • Mario Guttman

    Updated files "WfRevitModelBuilder" (Revit2012),
    and "WhiteFeet.RevitModelBuilder (Revit 2013),
    Adds option to offset placement.

  • Mario Guttman

    Modified the "WhiteFeet.RevitModelBuilderUtility.dll" file to default to 8 decimal spaces.  We could add a setting for this.  any interest?

  • Matthew Owens

    Has anyone tried using the grasshopper components in the new 0.9 build?  The release notes from David Rutten stated that portions of the SDK are broken and gha's may not be compatible...