
Elk is a plugin used to generate topographies and street maps using data from OpenStreetMap.org and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data from NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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  • Kevin Daye

    Hi Tim (and everyone else)!

    Had a quick question, I'm using Elk 2.2.2 and was able to find a 1/9 arc second DEM file (in IMG format) on the USGS National Map of the area of my interest. However, When I try to import the file I always get a domain error no matter what my Lat/Long values are.

    Can Elk use these files?

  • Alireza Tabrizi

    hi guys... In building category there is YES subcategory that in my map there are lots of them are unknown boundries...But how can i recognize there functions cause i need to distinguish their functions...I s there anyway?
  • Joanna Rzewuska

    Hi I am having a crazy problem with download on the food 4 rhino? is there anywhere else I could download the plugin from?