The Pufferfish is one of few animals which is capable of changing its shape.
This plugin is a set of 330 components which focuses on Tweens, Blends, Morphs, Averages, Transformations, & Interpolations - essentially Shape Changing. Pufferfish mainly uses parameters and factors for inputs for more custom control over operations like tweens and grids as opposed to grasshoppers usual division count inputs. These components are accompanied by support components which are useful methods for tween / blend / morph / lattice operations such as making curves compatible, a custom curve graph mapper, and a multi-threaded morph to twisted box. In addition, there are extra components which simplify some common grasshopper operations such as testing for equality within a tolerance and rounding to nearest numbers. Please email me if you find any bugs. Works with Grasshopper for Rhino 5, Rhino 6, Rhino 7 WIP, and Rhino Mac.
Instagrams: @ekimroyrp & @designmorphine
Kourniatis Nikos
Good evening!
Does it work for polysurfaces or breps?
Oct 19, 2017
Michael Pryor
@Kourniatis Nikos Most likely in the next updates. I have a bunch of stuff in the works - whats here now was just polished up to get V1.0 out there. Otherwise, I would keep making forever and never actually release it:D
Oct 19, 2017
Kourniatis Nikos
Good morning from Athens! Help us play topologically...
Oct 19, 2017
Nice work Michael. Regarding the mesh morphing, I was thinking if you remesh your mesh using mesh machine and make sure you have the same amount of triangles it would work nicely. But when I tried this, it doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure if it is because of the ring-like geometry I'm using or something else.
Oct 22, 2017
Michael Pryor
Siemen It is because using mesh machine sure you can get the same points and triangle count. However, it is very unlikely that the order of those meshes will be the same in any meaningful way to interpolate between. (that's what same topology means) hence all the criss cross between. Thats why it is suggested in many platforms like maya that you model both geometry from the same base (maybe a mesh sphere) otherwise you get that - The example they say is something like for a face if you don't model from the same base you can get stuff like an eye blending to a nose rather than to an eye. Hope that makes sense.
Oct 22, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.1: Minor Update - adds Quaternion rotation option to the Tween Planes components for smoother tween rotations and prevention of Gimbal lock.
Oct 22, 2017
Daniel Piker
Siemen - If you pull the vertices of one mesh onto another, you can make sure they have the same topology, so it will work with this interpolate mesh component:
This might run into trouble if the meshes are very different, as then it could get pulled onto the wrong part, or in a folded state, so in those cases you might need to add some extra goals to guide it a little.
Oct 23, 2017
Michael Pryor
Thanks for the example Daniel!
Oct 23, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.2: Update - adds 9 new components. 6 for tweening planes on curves and surfaces with Quaternion rotation. 3 for tweening points on curves. Added tolerance input to "Is Arc/Circle/Ellipse" component.
Oct 28, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.3: Update - fixes minor bug in all tween plane components with Quaternion rotation that would result in null planes when input planes X axis's aligned. Updated example files for Pufferfish V1.3. Examples now consists of 2 folders: Components, which has a small example of each component. Workflow, which has more in depth examples using Pufferfish components.
Nov 1, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.4: Update - Improved algorithm for all "On Curve" components and all components with an "Interpolation Type" input.
Nov 8, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.5: Update - adds 41 new components. The new components are primarily focused on a new tab for "Twisted Box" components. Additional various components added to the other tabs. Some updates to existing components. Some new components require at least Rhino 5 SR12. After installing the pufferfish1-5.gha, please close Rhino completely one time to avoid potential assembly reference errors with the new "Twisted Box" components.
Nov 27, 2017
Amir Soltani
Thanks Michael, amazing tools!
Nov 28, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.5: Re-uploaded Pufferfish V1.5 and its examples to include 3 forgotten Twisted Box components. Twisted Box Array, Construct Twisted Box, and Deconstruct Twisted Box.
Nov 29, 2017
Michael Pryor
You are welcome @Amir Soltani
Dec 1, 2017
Ghana Ahmad
how to install puffer fish plugin in grasshopper
Dec 4, 2017
Michael Pryor
@Ghana Ahmad same way to install every plug-in.
First download the Pufferfish.gha file. Then right click it and go to properties and check unblock then apply. Then either drag and drop the Pufferfish.gha onto the grasshopper canvas or in grasshopper go to File>Special Folder>Component Folder and copy the Pufferfish.gha there. After you have done either of those methods Close and reopen Rhino completely. Launch grasshopper again and you will have a pufferfish tab.
Dec 4, 2017
Ghana Ahmad
@Michael Pryor sir i did the same procedure but nothing happen
Dec 7, 2017
Ghana Ahmad
puffer fish tab not appear
Dec 7, 2017
Michael Pryor
Ghana Ahmad if you did what I said it will be there. Do you understand how tabs look in GH? If it is really not there then what Rhino version are you using? What Grasshopper version are you using? Did you unblock the gha? and have you restarted rhino after installing?

Dec 7, 2017
Ghana Ahmad
i m using rhino 5 and grasshopper (grasshopper_wip_20121030)
yes i did the same. i dont know this problem
will you plzz mail( the plugin or the software
i need it for my academic project
Dec 8, 2017
Michael Pryor
Ghana Ahmad the plug in is on food4rhino, You need to be more specific. For instance I have Rhino5 SR14 (I believe pufferfish will work from SR5 and up, however some tools require SR12 atleast) and the latest grasshopper should be "0.9.0076". Are you using Mac or Windows. Pufferfish is made for Windows and it may or may not work on Mac.
Dec 8, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.6: Update - adds 6 new components like Twisted Box Through Surfaces and Twisted Box Through Meshes with interpolation options. Tween Mesh and Tween Surface components now have interpolation options. Some component name changes, icon changes, updates. Some components require at least Rhino 5 SR12. After installing the pufferfish1-6 gha, please close Rhino completely one time to avoid potential assembly reference errors with the "Twisted Box" components.
Dec 20, 2017
Michael Pryor
Pufferfish V1.6: Update - Re-uploaded Pufferfish V1.6 to fix a bug with the Point Divide Curve Target component.
Dec 21, 2017