As a result of a request please find a series of examples for using the Path Mapper component.
The First installment of this is showing the Path Mapper imitating some already existing components. Flatten, Graft, Simplify and Flip Matrix. There is also an additional example showing Integer Divide to which there is no existing component.
For those uninitiated in the dark arts of pathmapper the component can be found on the Sets Tab> Tree Section with the icon of a red cube. Section 8: The Garden of the Forking Path of the Grasshopper Primer 2nd Edition is dedicated to the Tree Structure implemented in GH v0.6. There is an extensive Help file accessed from the 'right click' Context Menu.
UPDATED to correct an error in the Flip Matrix demonstration path_count should be item_count. Plus reflecting the change of the Simplify Component and Additional demonstration of grouping without the Path Mapper
Updated: 2011-04-20
Replace Branches
Not sure if it's right to include this here as its actually encouraging you not to use the Path Mapper, but sometimes there are benefits to being able to keep the definition free from restrictions like the Path Mapper. When a data structure changes the Path Mapper is unable to adapt without user intervention. This is demonstrated in the two Grouping examples above. The Path Mapper method would need the user to manually change the Integer 6 if they ever increased the V Divide, where as the Replace Branches Component will simply update based on its inputs.
I hope to follow this up with some more.....
Michael Pryor
Just a thought, may be useful for this to be reformatted for FAQ's
Jun 15, 2012
Marc Johnson
Hello, I am trying to perform a lexical operation on a data tree.
I would like to replace the number 0;0 by 0;5
I thought I could do it with pathmapper.
How Can I do that ?
Thank you for your help
Marc .
Apr 12, 2013
Jonathan Sheridan
Is there a wild card in Pathmapper to get this path as the output each time?
Nov 18, 2016