Generate random buildings on a given city masterplan

Hello guys,

About a month ago I created a grasshopper file which creates random buildings on a given master-plan because I couldn't find anything similar.

With the gh you can divide every quadrangle surface into buildings and generate pseudo-random numbers using a combination of the Hoopsnake add-on with  the Random component for the calculation of random depths and heights for every building. 

I attached the .gh file so that you can have it, suggest any improvements and use it as you like. I am new to grasshopper so there must be some mistakes that I haven't noticed yet.

Here how it works:

First of all, you need to have LunchBox and Hoopsnake.

As inputs you give

  1. The surfaces that represent the square blocks (srfs)
  2. The number of Width(U) and Depth(V) divisions of the srfs, e.g. the number of buildings in each square block (for example U=5 and V=5 => 5*5=25 buildings)
  3. The minimum depth of buildings
  4. The minimum height of buildings
  5. The maximum height of buildings

Then go and run the Hoopsnake Component (in the orange coloured group).

When the calculation is complete so are the final buildings. Bake them (the final component) and you finished!

I must note that in each square block there center block is unbuilt, so no there are none fully build square blocks. Also, it only works with quadrangle shapes (trapeziums), not triangle or any other n-angle shapes.

I hope you like it!

P.S. The image below is the city of Patras in Greece, which operated as the case-study in which I developed the gh file.

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    Konstantina Haku

    Very interesting ! A good way to create the built environment around your project! Thank you Konstantinos for sharing this !

    P.s. I've tried this and it worked without any errors

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      Sherif El Adawy

      Hi Sir,

      I have a question for you ... How I can add the width of streets/roads in your definition  .. I want to make a relationship between building height (with its ducts openings) and width of streets.

      I have a file AutoCAD for masterplan I want to add it to Grasshopper.I don't have file GIS, All I had is file dwg and analysis I did by Photoshop as (Existed Landuse, Heights, Street Width, .. etc).

      What I know that import Autocad in Rihno but the progress to do in grasshopper, I have not enough information about it (I am not professional Grasshopper user ).And what to import in Rhino is the outline of masterplan not with the existed building .. This is what I know must be done.

      I wish you can help me in this issue and thank you.



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        Srujana Bhoopanam

        Hello Fiorakisk!

        First of all, thank you very much for sharing the definition. It seems amazing. I used the definition but I'm facing some errors. It would be great if you can tell why it is not working. I see that you have released the definition in 2016 and I am not sure if you can help me now. Thank ou in advance!
