Differential Growth in Curves

Hi all,

I m trying to do differential growing curves and couldn't come up with any ideas  to get started.Any strategies will be helpful .


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    Karly Charlie

    Hi, Hoping someone is able to help me with this, I have been working for hours and have not made any progress.

    I am starting working with differential growth in curves, trying to use the Curly Kale as a start point. 

    When I try to open the file I get error messages saying that MeshMachine and Plankton are not installed. Am I missing something basic? All the files are unblocked. 

    Appreciate any help.  

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      ren tan

      Did you every find the solution Karly ?
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        Selin Sevim

        Hey, I have been experimenting with differential growth. Here I have 15 curves and trying to loft them properly but everytime the result is bad mesh. I need good mesh to 3D print them. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks!lofting%20with%20bad%20mesh.3dm