multiple attractor points in a circles grid

Hi all,

need help with an easy one.

Building a circles grid with multiple attraction points that control the circles scale.

Ive seen the tutorial but it works just for 2 attractors. I need to add as many as i want.

Ive been trying but never works..

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    David Rutten

    How about the attached? A variable number of attractors basically means grafting the data so you can compare each point with every attractor, then perform mass addition on the total set of forces.

    David Rutten
    Poprad, Slovakia
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    Aleksander Łapiński

    Is there any way to set a border for the circle radius, so the circles don't overlap ? Or to introduce kind choosing a fixed radius for a particular distance ? i.e. choosing from only for example 3,4 possible radiuses ?

    Kind regards,

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      Allan Montalla

      Hi guys, I'm new. is it possible in a circle grid to have multiple attractors, each attractor having its own control properties?