Reciprocal Systems

Hello everyone,

has someone a suggestion how to start with a reciprocal system on a freeform surface in grasshopper? Any suggestions are welcome.

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    Michael Clarke

    Hi everyone,

    Some really interesting stuff on this discussion. I am looking into reciprocal frames myself for a University project. In particular I am looking at Nexorades and exploring the rotational element from standard meshes to reciprocal frames. To achieve this each member is rotated along an axis normal to the surface. When this is done each member will be too short to reach its neighbours. I am having real trouble working out the final length of each member to ensure an overlap (the fact they don't touch is not yet relevant, I will solve that in future explorations). Essentially, the smaller pipes in the image below need to overlap by a fixed amount for whatever rotation of each member.

    I have attached my file so far. I have tried tangential planes with intersection events, closest point calculations etc. but I keep coming back in circles. I am still fairly new to a lot of the software so apologies if I am missing something obvious. The definition does use a weaverbird 'polylines dodecahedron' and 'mesh edges' as a starting point for now and a kangaroo 'remove duplicate points'.

    Thanks for any help anyone can give me and I look forward to seeing what everyone else is up to,


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      Arie-Willem de Jongh

      My file and approach:

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      i downloaded starling but it still doesnt show its commands in grasshopper...

      how can i install it after download?

      also, how can i show all the commands? there are some commands such as point on curve that seem to be missing and i cant find them...
