minimal surfaces crease lines problem

Hi All,

I've been struggling with a problem I hope you can solve.

I went over all the discussions and couldn't find a solution.

I modeled a minimal surface, using the great helpful info on this site. but I can't get a smooth surface or polysurface. you always see creases where the surfaces join.

I know it's possible, see ref images. So how is it done?

I know it's easily done with meshes by welding the vertices. but I need it in surfaces or breps so I can cleanly boolean them (impossible with meshes).

Attached screen grab of my minimal surface and 2 examples of what I want to achieve.

Please help,

Thank you.

  • up

    Daniel Piker

    Making so many NURBS patches all meet smoothly across the seams is not an easy task.

    I'd say that working with meshes would be easier (and I'd bet that those examples by Torolf Sauermann and Bathsheba Grossman you show were both modelled with meshes).

    Why do you say clean booleans with meshes are impossible?

    • up

      Frane Zilic

      Clean booleans with meshes can be difficult but not impossible... 

      Have a look at Daniel Piker's remeshing video or take a look at Groboto and the MeshFusion plugin they developped for Modo.

