grasshopper icon reference chart?

Hello All,

I'm wondering if there exists a reference chart that has all the different grasshopper icons on it corresponding with their names? Many example scripts on the site (and web in general) are exemplified with screen grabs and many folks have their display set to icons. It's time consuming to try and search through all the components looking for the right picture. I think this is further compounded by different versions of grasshopper? 

For example the attached image an icon with a tree branch and the input variables of D & S, in my version of grasshopper the exact same icon stands for graft tree, but its input variable is T... 

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    martyn hogg

    There are only 2 types of people in this world... those who recognise components by icon and those who recognise components by sensible, easy to decipher, alphanumeric abbreviations.




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      for future reference, there is this list:

      (One of the two contributors to it is a github user "Rhino" - is that possibly David?)

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        طراحی سایت ثبت دامنه

        Hi all

        I modified the script to extract the name, nickname, category and subcategory of every component included in my version of Grasshopper, but I want to be able to do the same for the Author attributes.

        Is it possible to extract Author and Website for every component, or at least for all user objects where this property is available?