GH + V-Ray Render animation.

Hello everyone,

here you have a script to make animations with "V-Ray for Rhino" plugin, using materials in .vismat or .vrmat formats.

My thanks and appreciation to Pieter Segeren for helping me to polish the script and to Matt Newberg for his advice. Matt has just published (a few minutes before this post) the .dll of VRay for Rhino in .NET, you can find it here. Due to I already got what I wanted, I will not continue with this script. But the door is open to a much deeper code, as well as a component for creating materials or for settings of V-Ray.

Enjoy it :)

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  • ricardo weissenberg

    Ok, I get it, you need to indicate the path inside the path function and not by the note function.

    Buy now I have another question: how did I index multiple geometries with multiples materials?

  • Sebastian Comanescu

    Hello Daniel,

    I've used your script before and it worked like a charm!

    Right now I'm trying to use it using Vray 3.4 and I can't seem to get it to work even with indicating the path inside the path function.

    I'd rather not rollback to an earlier version of Vray, provided the modifications don't take too long.

  • ekaggrat singh kalsi

    i figured out how to use two materials on two objects , but cant fiqure out how to use 2 materials on 4 - 6 objects in pairs. any correct way to do it?