
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

That might not even be the right way to describe what I want, but can anyone help me generate a series of n numbers that follow a random cyclical wave pattern...

So sort of like a random sine wave but it must cycle round after n points so would appear continous if wrapped in a circle.

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Oh, I'd like to specify number of cycles within the n values too!

If the wavelength of the function is fixed (or are you only looking for a fixed number of periods?), what do you want randomized? The amplitude?

I would like to randomise wavelength and amplitude but specify the number of periods

And are you looking to create a curve, or do you actually want the equation that generates it as well? Because creating a wavy curve that loops around is pretty easy with periodic nurbs, but trying to make a set of sines and cosines smoothly connect is quite tricky.


Thanks David,

I managed to do something close to what I wanted by randomly shifting sine waves on n curves that are drawn through the vertices of n-sided polygons arranged around a circle.

I didn't want to randomly move each point as then the resulting shape would not necessarily have a flowing form.

I'm moving each polygon vertex outwards or inwards but I want them to follow a random flowing wave rather than just be consequtively random.

The way I've done it almost gets me the effect I'm after but it would be good to have a bit more control.


*EDIT: I randomly change the number of periods in each of the sine waves.


Question: how can all these curves or contours be connected into a single  mesh?

Well you could divide all the curves and use those points as mesh vertices.

I did something like this when I created a clumsy version of exoskeleton so I'll see if I can dig out the bit of VB Script.

Hi Martyn,

Additionally to the defs provided insofar, get this as well:

The left part (code) is one out of many math curves makers that I did long time ago (so it's used "as-it-is" for the scope).

The right part (components) does some paranoid stuff - especially when the tan option is used.

Play with the random options as well.


Thanks Peter,

I like how you can randomise the Y Values and the X values.

BTW: Loft IS NOT CLOSED due to the other demo stuff (that are: an open curve and a  humble line).






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