
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone!

I've been using user objects a lot (both to create complicate systems and to group together combinations of components that I use often)

but the problem is that (at least the way I use them) I cannot overwrite them If i've made a correction on them.

The way I use is this:

1) select a component I've just made

2) select "create user object", name it and I'm done.

if i make a change on it, I have to go to "special folders/user objects" erase the old one and repeat the previous steps.

is there some simpler way? 


Views: 581

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If you need to fix things frequently, then it's a good idea to save them as a snippet and calling them conveniently when you need it. rather than create a User Object. Of course, you can fix and overwrite it easily.

There are some useful plug-ins which allows you to manage grasshopper snippets like "MetaHopper"(Save Snippet) or "Brick Box".






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