I'm starting this discussion for people who have questions about using the
Local Code Components that were
recently released, because the comments section on Nicholas's blog were not as accommodating as a normal discussion thread. And this way others can find help more easily.
To Miguel:
the Local Code Export Component does not currently assign attributes to individual objects, though we may add that functionality later. The
Mode Tools components, as well as
Giulio Piacentino's components can. But for our component, the intention of inputting colors was intended as a convenience for organizing layers. So if you wanted to assign colors to each object, you would have to bake each object to a separate layer, and ensure that the dxf and ai files you are exporting will retain these layers and layer colors (dxf might not retain the precise colors, depending on the color scheme and dxf format used). This is quite easy, but I assume that it would be inconvenient to have a such a large number of layers. Also, if you post your definition here, I would be happy to help with getting your script to work correctly with the component.