I just visited Kings College Chapel today, and I was very fond of the vaulting within the chapel, so I thought why not try to go home and recreate it in GH.
I vent home and made the definition, which makes an approximate model of the vaulting.
It is based on hyperbolic surfaces, and I know that these should be really good as a structural component within a build, because of the way they absorb different loads, but how can I get this illustrated?
So my question is; what is the easiest way to make structural calculations, or at leat structural diagrams within GH? I know that you can make some VB or C# script that links GH to ANSYS or whatever you are using, but is it possible do something within GH that would a similar colour scale? eks the "mesh colour" component?? Or should I aimply bake the geometry and put it inside eks. ANSYS?
Looking forward to be hearing from someone out there