
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Good Day Everyone,

Currently i am trying to create a definition for boundary, i search some references in the web but i did not find any similar to my target. Basically i want to create a analysis model to get a target area to develop within a site plot. using points to define a curve and the curve to define the area of floor plate. Can i ask some help from the community to help me define this rule? Thank you very much. I feel i am still a newbie for grasshopper.


Views: 2137

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Moved from BUG forum to DISCUSSION forum.

I think this might be something you could solve using a combination of Kangaroo2 constraints/goals, Daniel Piker has previously demonstrated similar examples (here on the forum and on his Vimeo) if I recall correctly.

Edit: This demo reel might give you some impression of what's possible.

Just to be clear, I was referring to solving several constraints simultaneously (maintaining angles/areas/volumes, constraining points to plane/inside polygon etc.). But that might indeed be overkill here (depending on a more explicit problem formulation).

Ironically, I wasn't exactly very explicit with what I was getting at ;)

Dear Anders,

Greetings!. Your description above is what exactly i was trying to achieve. With multiple constraints similar to any early architectural design stage where we need to establish a broad shape yet very suggestive already on the possible form direction on the next stage while maintaining target area and constraint right angle form.  Thank you very much for the reference. I will look at using this Kangaroo2 and explore how to achieve the video link. :-) Thank you guys, i have to admit that i am still at my early stages in grasshopper. I may have to inquire similar things along the way hope you guys will support me. 

Good Day Tom,

Thank you very much. Our department here now is just beginning to open up and use grasshopper. we are a design team under a construction company. As a result, our focus on Rhino-Grasshopper have to start from efficiency, space matrix and form finding. The site condition is our first step in establishing grasshopper to solve any given design brief by using a .gh function. Thank you very much for the file. thank you for the .gh gift, will try this and if you don't mind i may ask some beginner queries. Thank you for your help and support. :-)  

How is this different from a simple 'Offset' curve?





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