
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I have a little problem and its make me crazy, so please help me :)

I created some geometry of three let’s say sticks. Now I want to rotate them separately, and I made it to do that, it works fine. But, in picture that I attached, you can see that when I rotate stick 1, automatically stick 2 is also rotated and that is also great, I want that.

BUT, problem is in that blue point (see the picture). I want that blue point (end of stick 2) to move across pink line in the same time when I rotate stick 1. So, it must be synchronized, or in the other way, if I want to move that blue point across pink line, than stick 2 and 1 must automatically rotate itself.

I don’t know how to manage that, so please help me, I hope you can understand what I am saying.

Thank you very much!

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You know the length of stick 2? Create a circle (or sphere) around the end of stick one connect en of stick one with the intersection of the circle and your pink line to draw stick 2.

First thank you for your reply!

Problem with that solution is in length of stick 2, because I know the length of stick 2 and it MUST be the same length as stick 1. And with this your solution it cant be the same length... thats the problem

Basically I must use some command that will ristrict or "say" that end of stick 2 (blue point) HAS to move across pink line.

If you draw a circle around the point where 1 and 2 meet, you will get two intersections. one where 1 starts and one where 2 needs to end...

I made it! you were right! Simply logical thinking, great, thank you dude! :)

I have another question and another problem, hope somebody could help me :)

I use "linear array" to array some geometry and now I have, lets say for example, five new ones. 

My question to you: is it possible to transform those 5 new geometries separately from original one? Because now when I return to the beginning and transform first geometry automatically I transformed those 5 new geometry in the same way. But I want to transform еаch geometry separately. Is that possible?
Thank you...

Hi Slavke,

yes, you'll need to transform each object using a different transform. If you have a list of 5 objects and a list of 5 transformations, then you can transform each object separately.


David Rutten


Hi David,

Thank you for your help this is great i will use this in future. But, right now it says there is a problem: "Geometry could not be converted to a brep or a mesh".

Now what? :)

How to convert geometry to brep or mesh?

"Geometry" is the most general representation of anything, that could be described as ... geometry. What is actually inside a geometry param depends on what you put into it. Mesh and BRep are Rhino/Grasshopper objects, that have a volume property.

David used the Volume component just to find the center points of his boxes. You don't need to convert to Brep or Mesh, which probably wouldn't make sense for you anyway, you need to find another way to define your center of rotation.

Ok I understand, thank you. I will try out something ...






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