
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I try to interpolate data generated by gene pool, and use it to draw a continuous curve as the image below. I find it does not show the result i wanted. Can anyone suggest how to do it?

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Do you want to interpolate data cyclicly? I.e. should interpolated values between the first two numbers take the last numbers in the list into account?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

The interpolate component has no option for this. You could repeat your numbers list and only sample a sub-interval, but determining what interval is the right one is tricky. 

Another approach is to create a periodic nurbs curve from your gene pool and sample that:


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Oh in the image above, the Interpolate Curve Knot Style input is set to 'Uniform Spacing'.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Sampling periodic interpolate curve gives a good looking result, despite the value it generates produce slightly different pattern ( the "peak and bottom" of the curve is shifted). It works for me, since accurate pattern is not what i needed.

thanks for helping.

Right, that is what i mean. Also the interpolated values between the last two numbers take first numbers into account.






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