algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi guys,
Have stacked with the problem of preview/drawing methods.
I am defining a custom Type using following class definition:
Public Class BlockObj
End Class
Public Class BlockObjGoo
Inherits GH_GeometricGoo(Of BlockObj)
Implements IGH_PreviewData
End Class
Public Class BlockObjParameter
Inherits GH_PersistentGeometryParam(Of BlockObjGoo)
Implements IGH_PreviewObject
End Class
In BlockObjGoo I have included following methods and properties:
In BlockObjParameter:
- ClippingBox;
- DrawViewportWires;
- Hidden;
- IsPreviewCapable.
However when compiling I have the following messages:
Error BC30154: Class 'BlockObjGoo' must implement 'ReadOnly Property ClippingBox As Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewData'. Implementing property must have matching 'ReadOnly' or 'WriteOnly' specifiers
Error BC30149: Class 'BlockObjGoo' must implement 'Sub DrawViewportMeshes(args As GH_PreviewMeshArgs)' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewData'.
Error BC30149: Class 'BlockObjGoo' must implement 'Sub DrawViewportWires(args As GH_PreviewWireArgs)' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewData'.
Error BC30154: Class 'BlockObjParameter' must implement 'Property Hidden As Boolean' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewObject'. Implementing property must have matching 'ReadOnly' or 'WriteOnly' specifiers.
Error BC30154: Class 'BlockObjParameter' must implement 'ReadOnly Property ClippingBox As Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewObject'. Implementing property must have matching 'ReadOnly' or 'WriteOnly' specifiers.
Error BC30154: Class 'BlockObjParameter' must implement 'ReadOnly Property IsPreviewCapable As Boolean' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewObject'. Implementing property must have matching 'ReadOnly' or 'WriteOnly' specifiers.
Error BC30149: Class 'BlockObjParameter' must implement 'Sub DrawViewportMeshes(args As IGH_PreviewArgs)' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewObject'.
Error BC30149: Class 'BlockObjParameter' must implement 'Sub DrawViewportWires(args As IGH_PreviewArgs)' for interface 'Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewObject'.
What is wrong? Why it is saying it should be included despite it is already there?
Any hint?
You have to include them in the right format. The methods must have the same name, the same qualifier (protected, public etc.), the same type (ReadOnly, WriteOnly or neither), the same signatures and the same return type.
Visual Studio will automatically create the correct signatures if you let it. How did you create your methods and properties?
David Rutten
Tirol, Austria
Hi David,
thanks for reply.
I obviously understand that qualifiers and types should be the same and they are the same.
Below is the definition of the IGH_PreviewData:
Public ReadOnly Property ClippingBox() As BoundingBox
Return Boundingbox
End Get
End Property
Public Sub DrawViewportMeshes(args As GH_PreviewMeshArgs)
'No meshes are drawn.
End Sub
Public Sub DrawViewportWires(args As GH_PreviewWireArgs)
If Value Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
This code has been copied from one of the examples. I am not using Visual Studio but SharpDevelop.
What should I try now?
Have found that following way should work:
Public ReadOnly Property ClippingBox() As BoundingBox Implements IGH_PreviewData.ClippingBox
Return Boundingbox
End Get
End Property
Kind regards,
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