
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a 3D voronoi box, and i've offset the faces. i'd like to remove the offset from the face. how on earth do i do this? i've tried the project component and scx component but it gives weird results.

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in case i'm not being clear, i would like this structure to be more of a skeleton rather than solid faces

hi steve.....

this is what u need...??


hi luis - thank you very very much, this is what i wanted to do! i've never used the graft command, so that's also very useful.

thank you!

hi again!


i have a new question open for discussion. lets say i use this new/improved definition and create a nice big box with a ton of voronoi cells in it.


now let's say i want all the cells that are in the middle of box to be closed, so that's there's a continuous 'barrier' splitting the box in half (or as close to in half as possible, i realize that this barrier will have a bunch of angles to it and won't be exactly in the middle).


see the attached terrible paint drawing to better understand what i want. pretend if i were to pour water into the top of the box, i want this barrier to fully prevent the bottom half from getting wet.


any ideas on what components i need to be using? thank you!







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