
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I was having a look at the gallery and i saw this piece
any idea how to achieve this!!!!

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any hint!!!!!!!

Yes what I would do is to proyect lines over surfaces and then pipe them.

that seems to be made out of parts. each part has lines proyected on them and then piped.

Hope it helps

at the beginning i thought the same way , but when i focused on the pipes around the holes (moving in circular motion) i realized it was done in different method

Yes you can project a circular curve over a surface. I would do it like that. it seems like the curves have some kind of perlin noise pattern or vector fields how you well metioned.

I did this with the SPM Vector Components add-on. There is actually a very similar definition included as one of the tutorials.

Check it out at

thanks bro,

i'll give it a try






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