
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I need to move in Z-axe direction series of surfaces (1) with the correlated surface grid (2)


It happened to me that i got stucked with this, I would be very grateful for any suggestions

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Hi Nadya,

Like this:

aah, graft, that's what I missed! Great, thank you Yasser, appreciate it!;)

Yasser, and if I need to extrude (or move) resulting surfaces with correlated number of steps, 

I guess I need to arrange resulting surfaces with creating following domains 0-1,1-4, 4-9,9-16, etc.? 

I would be very grateful for any help in this question as it is almost final thing I need to do for the thesis. 

Here is the illustration

what I mean

and what I do:


Count input in series connected to the first series component, good luck for your thesis

I'm impressed! THANKS!

I see button with title "holistic" for the first time. Is it in new version grasshopper?

sorry for late reply, (I think you have already found it in the forum)
It's cross reference, if you have GH below from 0.9xx, you can access it through right clicking at the component (in the picture above, should at the move component).

yes, I've found, don't worry, thanks again! Right I'm gonna finish my scheme, guess I will let know about this...






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